Resumen Objetivo: Comunicar el caso de una paciente de 77 años tratada de un angiosarcoma de cuero cabelludo, que evoluciona con neumotórax bilateral, cuyo estudio histopatológico informa enfermedad metastásica. Materiales y Método: Revisión de ficha clínica electrónica, registro informático de ...
Introduction Angiosarcoma (AG) is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm that predominantly
affects the soft tissues and, to variable degrees, expresses themorphological
and functional characteristics of the endothelium. The incidence of sarcomas of the
central nervous system(CNS) is low (0.5% to 2.7%), and AG...
Abstract Cardiac angiosarcomas are extremely rare in childhood, they are rapidly progressive tumours that often present themselves as diagnostic dilemmas, resulting in delayed diagnosis. Also, extracardiac manifestations, including abdominal pain, are extremely rare in patients with intracardiac tumors. ...
Se contribuye a la casuística con la presentación de 2 casos de angiosarcoma radioinducido, diagnosticados ambos, en pacientes de sexo femenino que previamente habían recibido dosis total de radioterapia, uno por presentar un linfoma tipo Hodgkin, y otro por carcinoma ductal de mama. En una de las pac...
A case compression of the spinal cord in a horse by a tumor located in the vertebra is described. A 10-year-old- gelding was euthanized after being found recumbent with hind limb paresis of unknown duration. At necropsy an hemangiosarcoma was detected in the vertebral body of T3. The tumoral mass invaded...