Results: 256

Analysis of complications associated with peripherally inserted central venous catheters. Prospective observational study

Introduction: Vascular access teams often use guidelines or algorithms to determine the most appropriate vascular access device based on the patient's condition and the substance to be infused. These guidelines are intended to help identify the most qualified personnel for device insertion, but few studi...

Análisis del nivel de desempeño de indicadores preanalíticos en las áreas de química clínica y hematología del Laboratorio del Hospital Distrital Inmaculada Concepción de Caaguazú, Paraguay
Analysis of the performance level of pre-analytical indicators in the areas of clinical chemistry and hematology at the Laboratory of the Inmaculada Concepción District Hospital in Caaguazú, Paraguay

Introducción. La fase pre-analítica es un componente esencial en el algoritmo de análisis clínicos, que conlleva una serie de pasos y procedimientos. Objetivo. Describir el nivel de cumplimiento de los indicadores preanalíticos en las áreas de química y hematología del laboratorio ...

Consensus of the Brazilian association of hematology, hemotherapy and cellular therapy on patient blood management: Preoperative Clinical and Laboratory Assessment of the Patient

Abstract The preoperative clinical and laboratory evaluations of the patient is an essential step to ensure the safety and success of any surgical procedure. This assessment aims to identify any underlying medical conditions and risk factors and determine suitability for surgery. With this step, the medi...

Dental care for children in a tertiary hospital

Braz. j. oral sci; 23 (), 2024
Aim: To evaluate the profile of pediatric onco-hematological patients and the outpatient dental care provided to these individuals from January 2016 to December 2019 by the Pediatric Dentistry division of the Dentistry and Stomatology Service of a tertiary hospital. Methods: Data were collected from the ...

Perfil sociodemográfico e laboratorial dos pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise em um centro de referência do Estado do Ceará

A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) é uma importante redução da função renal que causa alterações no metabolismo dos indivíduos. Para acompanhar a progressão da DRC e prevenir possíveis complicações, foi realizada uma pesquisa para avaliar o perfil sociodemográfico, bioquímico e hematológico de...

Career paths and workforce diversity in hematology: A cross-sectional study of a 35-year alumni cohort from an academic residency program in Brazil

ABSTRACT Introduction: Although not mandatory, medical residency has become a sine qua non condition for practicing in most medical specialties in Brazil. Residency programs are hosted mainly by university accredited academic centers and hospitals in the national public healthcare system, under guidance...

VIH/SIDA en embarazadas: evaluación hematológica e inmunológica y peso de sus neonatos

Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de infección por virus de inmunodeficiencia humana y el efectos sobre el peso del neonato, en embarazadas que acuden al Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Métodos: Se incluyeron las gestantes seropositivas para infección por virus de inmunodeficiencia humana. Se prac...

Liga Acadêmica de Hematologia (HemoLiga): atuação no ensino, pesquisa e extensão

HU Rev. (Online); 49 (), 2023
Introdução: As Ligas Acadêmicas (LAs) são organizações universitárias muito presentes nos cursos de medicina no Brasil, são de caráter extracurricular e complementar, fundamentadas no tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão (EPE). Suas atividades tendem a aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre determinad...