Results: 7

Measuring herpes zoster disease burden in São Paulo, Brazil: a clinico-epidemiological single-center study

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVES: Herpes zoster is characterized by acute neuritis and post-herpetic neuralgia. Currently, data concerning the zoster-associated impact on quality of life and healthcare resource utilization in Brazil are scarce. This study measured the zoster-associated burden in a Brazilian population. METHO...

Herpes zoster en adultos mayores en un hospital privado de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, junio 2013 - mayo 2014
Herpes zoster in elderly adults in a community hospital in Buenos Aires. June 2013-May 2014

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (1), 2017
El herpes zoster (HZ) se produce por reactivación del virus varicela zoster. Sus principales factores de riesgo son edad avanzada y presencia de comorbilidades (diabetes, inmunodepresión). Existen escasos datos de HZ en Sudamérica, y especialmente en adultos mayores. Analizamos retrospectivamente las ...

Cutaneous leukemic infiltration following varicella - a case of Wolf's isotopic response

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (5,supl.1), 2016
Abstract Wolf's isotopic response designates the appearance of two subsequent unrelated dermatoses in the same anatomic location. We report the case of a 51-year-old man with a medical history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia without known extra-hematopoietic involvement. The patient developed a dissemina...

Typical case: herpes zoster

Summary The varicella zoster virus is the causative agent of herpes zoster and varicella. In herpes zoster, the virus dormant within dorsal root ganglia is reactivated, resulting in painful vesicular lesions overlying an erythematous base....

Alteraçöes dos tecidos moles da boca. Parte 1: doenças vesicobolhosas, condiçöes ulcerativas e lesöes verrucosas papilares
Alterations of bucal soft tissues. Part 1: vesicobullous diseases, ulcerative conditions and verrucous papilars lesions

J. bras. med; 67 (3), 1994
Os autores iniciam o desenvolvimento do tema alteraçoes de tecidos moles da boca, esclarecendo à classe médica sobre as principais doenças vesicobolhosas, condiçoes ulcerativas e lesoes verrucosas papilares....