Results: 2

Effects of photobiomodulation (660 nm laser) on anthracycline extravasation: An experimental study

Abstract Objective: to investigate the effect of using different agents (topical hyaluronidase, photobiomodulation, and the association of photobiomodulation with topical hyaluronidase) in preventing the formation of lesions caused by doxorubicin extravasation, as well as in the reduction of lesions fo...

Uso terapéutico de la hialuronidasa y la triamcinolona en el pseudotumor orbitario
Therapeutic use of hyaluronidase and triamcinolone in orbital pseudotumor

Rev. cuba. oftalmol; 33 (3), 2020
RESUMEN El origen del pseudotumor orbitario no es del todo conocido. Se admite su naturaleza inflamatoria granulomatosa e inespecífica en diferentes localizaciones. El pseudotumor orbitario se define como una respuesta inflamatoria celular pleomórfica, que está usualmente confinado a estructuras de la...