Results: 138

Lysozyme antimicrobial activity against Enterococcus Faecalis - a pilot study

O preparo químico-mecânico (PQM) do sistema de canais radiculares é essencial para eliminar tecidos infectados e garantir uma desinfecção adequada. O Hidróxido de Cálcio (HC) combinado com o propilenoglicol é frequentemente utilizado como uma pasta intracanal para desinfecção e medicação intr...

Apicificação, apicogênese e revascularização, conceitos e conduta clínica: uma revisão de literatura

O tratamento endodôntico de dentes com rizogênese incompleta requer uma atenção especial, uma vez que o tratamento convencional é inviável e devemos evitar a perda dos dentes permanentes. Na maioria das vezes, as causas que interrompem a formação radicular são os traumatismos dentários e as cá...

Comparación de la actividad antimicrobiana de cementos selladores en endodoncia
Comparison of the antimicrobial activity of sealing cements in endodontics

Rev. ADM; 81 (1), 2024
Introducción: la persistencia de microorganismos en los conductos radiculares es uno de los principales factores del fracaso endodóncico. Por ello la importancia de conocer las propiedades antimicrobianas de los distintos tipos de selladores. Objetivo: realizar una comparación con base en la evide...

Evaluation of different methods of calcium hydroxide removal from root canals with simulated internal resorptions

Braz. dent. sci; 27 (2), 2024
Objective: This study evaluated different methods of calcium hydroxide (CH) removal from root canals with simulated internal resorptions using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT). Material and Methods: Sixty acrylic resin blocks with simulated root canals and internal resorptions were prepared...

Is Cavity Lining Really Necessary After Selective Caries Removal in Primary Teeth?

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic response of pulp-dentin complex after selective caries removal with or without pulp lining in primary teeth. Material and Methods: Twenty-four primary molars with deep occlusal caries lesions and without pulpal alterations were selected from...

CTZ and Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Did Not Cause Hepatic and Renal Alterations in Mice

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the possible renal and hepatic alteration by root canal filling pastes in mice. Material and Methods: Fifty-four mice were divided into nine groups and received one polyethylene tube implant containing two filling pastes (CTZ or calcium hydroxide pastes). Empty polyethyl...

Calcium hydroxide diffusion after agitation of endodontic irrigants: an ex vivo study

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
Aim: To compare the influence of two methods of agitation of endodontics irrigants, by diffusion of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] through the dentinal tubules, measuring the pH of the medium where they were kept. Methods: Twenty mandibular incisors were prepared using a WaveOne Gold Large file, in a recipr...

Investigation of the effect of indirect pulp capping materials on dentin mineral density

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
Aim: To evaluate the potential of inducing mineral density changes of indirect pulp capping materials applied to demineralized dentin. Methods: A total of 50 cavities were prepared, 5 in each tooth, in extracted ten molars without caries, impacted or semi-embedded. The cavities were scanned by microcompu...

Pulpectomies with Iodoform Versus Calcium Hydroxide-Based Paste: A Preliminary Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare clinical and radiographical pulpectomy outcomes in primary teeth filled with different pastes. Material and Methods: The sample included thirty-eight teeth indicated for pulpectomy due to irreversible pulp inflammation or necrosis from thirty patients (2 to 9 years old). ...

Light-curing of calcium hydroxide-based liners: pH analysis and calcium ion release

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (4), 2023
Objective: Compare the pH values and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide-based liner materials before and after light-curing. Material and Methods: The materials evaluated were: hydrox-cal white (HW), hydrox-cal dentin (HD), Biocal (BC) and UltraBlend Plus (UB). 120 samples of the liner materials we...