Results: 5

Revisiting hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for patients with chronic immunity-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases

Adv Rheumatol; 60 (), 2020
Abstract Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, also known as antimalarial drugs, are widely used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and have recently become the focus of attention because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rheumatologists have been using antimalarials to manage patients with chronic imm...

La evidencia en tiempos de coronavirus (COVID-19)

La pandemia de COVID-19 está generando información epidemiológica y clínica en una escala sin precedentes para una enfermedad de reciente aparición. Aunque ya se han iniciado numerosos ensayos clínicos de fármacos antiguos y nuevos como potenciales antivirales específicos, la mayor parte de la in...

Uso da cloroquina e da hidroxicloroquina no tratamento da COVID-19: riscos e benefícios segundo uma revisão integrativa

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 39 (4), 2020
Introdução: Responsável pela doença COVID-19, o novo corona-vírus, denominado SARS-CoV-2, foi descoberto na China. A sua rápida propagação causou espanto e preocupação e ocasionou uma das maiores pandemias já registradas na história. Para o tratamento da infecção, alguns prof...

Primum non nocere - Are chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine safe prophylactic/treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19)?

ABSTRACT Chloroquine (CQ) and its analog hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were recently included in several clinical trials as potential prophylactic and therapeutic options for SARS-COV-2 infection/covid-19. However, drug effectiveness in preventing, treating, or slowing the progression of the disease is still ...

La hidroxicloroquina en el tratamiento del lupus eritematoso sistémico

The positive effects of hydroxychloroquine in treating systemic lupus erythematosus is well known. Hydroxychloroquine is a well tolerated and safe drug even during pregnancy and breast feeding, and it has a low cost. Retinopathy is the most serious side-effect associated with its use since irreversible b...