Results: 2

Influence of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on the muscle tonus and amplitude of movement in HTLV-1-infected patients with HAM/TSP

Abstract An HTLV-1-infected patient can develop paraparesis that limits their movements. Rehabilitation techniques could improve the motor abilities of these patients. The present study investigates five cases of physical therapy intervention in HTLV-1 patients to evaluate the influence of functional reh...

Tratamento cirúrgico da contratura em flexäo do joelho na paralisia cerebral
Surgical treatment of knee flexion contracture in cerebral palsy

Ars cvrandi; 18 (4), 1985
Abordam-se as principais alteraçöes anatomofuncionais dos membros inferiores causadas pela paralisia cerebral e as principais técnicas cirúrgicas de correçäo. Conclui-se que a operaçäo de Eggers que age sobre os músculos biarticulares é a que oferece melhores resultados nos pacientes portadores...