Results: 12

Impacto na deglutição e manejo da mucosite hipofaríngea em pacientes submetidos à quimiorradioterapia na região de cabeça e pescoço: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

Audiol., Commun. res; 28 (), 2023
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o impacto da mucosite hipofaríngea quimiorradioinduzida na deglutição e o seu manejo, a partir de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. Estratégia de pesquisa A busca e a seleção dos artigos foram realizadas nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Scienc...

Carcinoma of the posterior wall of the hypopharynx: surgical treatment with larynx preservation

Abstract Introduction: Posterior pharyngeal wall is the most rare subsite for hypopharyngeal carcinomas. Because of its rarity, there are few studies published in the literature specifically concerning posterior pharyngeal wall carcinoma. Objectives: To report our functional results in patients with th...

Técnica de mandibulotomía para la resección de carcinoma de cavidad oral: caso clínico
Mandibulotomy technique for the resection of an oral cavity carcinoma: a clinical case

El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir la técnica de mandibulotomía para resección de una lesión oncológica. Se describe el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 79 años con una formación vegetante que se extiende desde el polo inferior amigdalino izquierdo hasta surco glosoepiglótico h...

Lesión en la hipofaringe por un desplazamiento del arco de brackets. Reporte de caso

Arch. argent. pediatr; 118 (6), 2020
La ingestión involuntaria o la aspiración de un dispositivo o pieza de arco de los brackets y/u ortodoncias pueden constituir una emergencia médica con complicaciones potencialmente peligrosas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir una complicación poco frecuente del desplazamiento...

Synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx - a case report and literature review

Caso Clínico: Cuerpo Extraño Afilado Impactado en Hipofaringe de Difícil Extracción

INTRODUCCIÓN: Los cuerpos extraños alojados en faringe representan problemas clínicos urgentes, que afectan sobre todo a la población pediátrica y de adultos mayores. Solo el 10-20% de casos son complejos y requieren intervenciones no quirúrgicas (endoscopía) y menos del 1%...

Hyoid Bone Suspension as a Part of Multilevel Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Abstract Introduction Since oropharyngeal surgery alone is often insufficient to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), advances have been developed in hypopharyngeal surgery. Objective To assess hyoid suspension surgery as part of amultilevel OSA surgery, also including palatal surgery. Methods The ...

Oncological results of surgical treatment versus organ-function preservation in larynx and hypopharynx câncer

Summary Introduction: Since the beginning of the 1990s, non-surgical radiochemotherapy treatment has become popular with the prospect of maintaining oncological results and preserving the organ in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx. However, subsequent studies d...

Two-dimensional and three-dimensional assessment of the upper airway

Int. j. morphol; 35 (1), 2017
The aim of this study was to validate and correlate the two-dimensional (2D) with the three-dimensional (3D) measures of the upper airway assessment. Lateral cephalograms and cone beam CT of 100 adult subjects were used to perform a 2D and 3D assessment of the upper airway. Spearman correlation coefficie...

Pharyngeal airway space in subjects with class II and class III facial deformities

Int. j. morphol; 32 (4), 2014
Facial deformities are related to morphological differences and the mandible position shows differences in maxillomandible relation. The aim of this research was to compare the pharyngeal airway space (PAS) in subjects with class II and class III facial deformities We included 28 adult subjects with skel...