Results: 6

Evaluación del impacto de las medidas no farmacológicas contra las enfermedades por COVID-19 e influenza en Hong Kong: estudio observacional
Impact assessment of non-pharmacological measures against COVID-19 and influenza diseases in Hong Kong: an observational study

La digitopuntura autoadministrada podría reducir los síntomas relacionados con el stress en cuidadores de familiares mayores
Self-administered acupressure may reduce stress-related symptoms in older family caregivers

La prednisolona oral es una buena alternativa para el tratamiento de gota aguda

Universal Health Coverage through Community Nursing Services: China vs. Hong Kong

ABSTRACT Objective: this article looks at how the development of community nursing services in China and Hong Kong can enhance universal health coverage. Methods: literature and data review have been utilized in this study. Results: nursing services have evolved much since the beginning of the nursing...