Results: 14

Brazilian multicenter study on pegvisomant treatment in acromegaly

ABSTRACT Objective Investigate the therapeutic response of acromegaly patients to pegvisomant (PEGV) in a real-life, Brazilian multicenter study. Subjects and methods Characteristics of acromegaly patients treated with PEGV were reviewed at diagnosis, just before and during treatment. All patients wi...

Pituitary gigantism: a case series from Hospital de San José (Bogotá, Colombia)

ABSTRACT Introduction Gigantism is a rare pediatric disease characterized by increased production of growth hormone (GH) before epiphyseal closure, that manifests clinically as tall stature, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and multiple comorbidities. Materials and methods Case series of 6 male patient...

Treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM): Experience Report

Clinics; 72 (4), 2017
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro. METHODS: Cross-sectional and retrospective study of thirty cases treated over a period of two decades. RESULTS: 17 men (56.7%) aged 14-67 years and 13 women aged 14-86 years ...

Elevated IGF-1 with GH suppression after an oral glucose overload: incipient acromegaly or false-positive IGF-1?

ABSTRACT Objective To report the evolution of patients with a suggestive clinical scenario and elevated serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), but growth hormone (GH) suppression in the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), in whom acromegaly was not initially excluded. Subjects and methods Forty ...

Níveis séricos de hormônios de crescimento, fator de crescimento símile à insulina e sulfato de deidroepiandrosterona em idosos residentes na comunidade: correlaçäo com parâmetros clínicos
Serum levels of growth hormone, insulin like growth factor and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in elderly people living in the community: correlation with clinical parameters

O envelhecimento é acompanhado de alteraçöes orgânicas possivelmente relacionadas com o sistema endócrino. O eixo GH/IGF-1 e a produçäo de SDHEA declinam com a idade, caracterizando uma reduçäo de suas atividades, que podem resultar em efeitos deletérios sobre a composiçäo corporal, o sistema...

Acromegalia com níveis séricos basais do hormônio do crescimento dentro dos limites da normalidade
Acromegaly with basal serum level of growth hormone in normality limits

A acromeglaia é uma sindrome causada pela hipersecçäo do hormônio de crescimento (GH). No entanto, alguns pacientes podem apresentar níveis séricos limítrofes, ou mesmo dentro da normalidade, dificultando o diagnóstico. Relatamos uma caso de acromegalia cuja investigaçäo diagnóstica inicial ev...

Níveis plasmáticos de somatomedina C como indicadores de atividade acromegálica em pacientes submetidos a tratamento
Somatomedin C plasmatic levels as indicators of acromegalic activity in patients submitted to treatment

Arq. bras. neurocir; 15 (3), 1996
Foram estudados 11 pacientes acromegálicos submetidos à adenomectomia transesfenoidal no Serviço de Neurocirurgia da UERJ. Os níveis plasmáticos de Somatomedina C (SmC) após o tratamento foram utilizados como indicadores de atividade acromegálica residual e as variaçoes nos níveis de hormônio d...

Análise da secreçäo pulsátil de cortisol e de hormônio de crescimento: comparaçäo de dois algoritmos
Analysis of the pulsatile secretion of the cortisol and the growth hormone: comparison of two algorithms

O objetivo foi a comparaçao dos métodos semi-quantitativo visual e o de "cluster" na análise dos pulsos de cortisol e de GH em 16 crianças. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue a intervalos de 20 minutos durante 24 horas. GH e cortisol plasmático foram determinados por RIE. As médias das concentraço...

Studies of the immediate postpartum diabetes remission and/or hypoglycemia after cesarean section in diabetic pregnancy

Five non-diabetic subjects, 5 gestational diabetics (GDM) treated with diet and 4 non-insulin dependent pregestational diabetics (NIDDM) treated with beef-pork insulin during their pregnancy, undergoing elective cesarean section (C-s), were given dextrose infusions without insulin for 7 hours (h) startin...