Results: 6

Group of pregnant women and / or pregnant couples: a collective construction process (1996-2016)

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand how the process of construction of the Group of Pregnant Women and/or Pregnant Couples of the Federal University of Santa Catarina from 1996 to 2016 was established. Method: Qualitative research of a social historical nature, involving nine health professionals who par...

Neonatal Mortality at the University Hospital of the West Indies Over Six Decades: Trends and Causes

West Indian med. j; 67 (spe), 2018
ABSTRACT Aim: To describe the pattern of neonatal mortality at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) over the past six decades. Methods: Data from previously published studies on neonatal mortality at the UHWI, monthly perinatal statistics (1987, 1996) and the annual perinatal statistics fo...

Os hospitais universitários federais e suas missões institucionais no passado e no presente

A definição de hospital universitário (HU) pressupõe a integração de ensino, pesquisa e assistência. Considerando essas atividades componentes da missão dos HUs, buscou-se analisar, na perspectiva dos gestores, como se configuram nessas instituições, na fundação e no presente. Para tanto, for...

El hospital universitario San Vicente de Paul en la historia medica de Antioquia

Iatreia; 1 (2), 1988
Se hace un somero recuento historico del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paul, de Medellin, con enfasis en las circunstancias que condujeron a su evolucion hacia una practica cintifica de la medicina, a saber: a. Iniciacion de los estudios medicos en la Universidad de Antioquia. b. Organizacion adm...