Results: 6

Self-reported interoception, worries and protective behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study

Psicol. reflex. crit; 36 (), 2023
Background Protective behaviors were essential for minimizing the spread of the virus during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. It is often assumed that awareness of bodily sensations (interoception) can improve decision-making and facilitate adaptive behavior. Objective This paper invest...

Experiences with basic microsurgical training programs and skill assessment methods at the University of Debrecen, Hungary

Acta cir. bras; 33 (9), 2018
Abstract During the past decades microsurgical training programs together with skill assessment methods had been developing intensively worldwide. Concerning the teaching of basic techniques at various levels, we aimed to summarize the education program types and experiences at our department, in order t...

The saga of psychoanalysis in Eastern Europe: repression and rebirth in Hungary, and in former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos; 24 (supl.1), 2017
Abstract The paper shortly presents the early roles of Budapest, Prague, and Belgrade in the development of psychoanalytic movement in Central-Europe before the Second World War. Mapping this historical heritage, it suggests how psychoanalysts of former Soviet Bloc countries could restore their own psych...

Doenças cardiovasculares: comentários sobre a mortalidade precoce no Brasil

Arq. bras. cardiol; 64 (1), 1995
Objetivo - Comparar coeficientes de mortalidade por infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) e doenças cerebrovasculares, específicos por idade em capitais situadas em regiöes metropolitanas do Brasil, às taxas de outros países. Métodos - Os dados de mortalidade das capitais brasileiras foram obtidos a pa...

Aspectos conceptuales de dispensarización: trabajo referativo
Conceptual aspects of dispensarization: referable paper

Rev. cuba. adm. salud; 12 (3), 1986
Se presentan los aspectos que definen la dispensarización, su objetivo y origen. Se analiza la evolución de la actividad desde su creación hasta la actualidad en la URSS. Se expone como se comporta la misma en Bulgaria, RDA, Hungria. Polonia, Mongolia, Checoslovaquia, Viet-Nam, Kampuchea, Nicaragua y ...