Results: 10

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Cerebro Vascular Aguda Isquémica (Código Ictus)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke Code)

Cambios rev. méd; 22 (2), 2023; 22 (2), 2023; 22 (2), 2023
La Enfermedad Cerebrovascular Isquémica (ECV-Isquémica) provoca alteraciones neurológicas agudas, causadas por la dis-función del flujo sanguíneo cerebral, lo que determina la pre-sencia de injuria neuronal.1Los factores de riesgo se clasifican en modificables y no modi-ficables entre es...

Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS) and Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: not so Different after all?

Abstract Background: Stroke related to atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with high recurrence and mortality rates. Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS) is associated with fewer vascular risk factors, less disability, and a high recurrence rate. Objective: To compare risk factors, functiona...

Historia natural del cierre percutáneo de foramen oval permeable

Rev. chil. cardiol; 39 (2), 2020
INTRODUCCIÓN: El cierre percutáneo del foramen oval permeable (FOP) se ha posicionado como el tratamiento de elección para la prevención secundaria de pacientes con infartos encefálicos (IE) criptogénicos asociados a FOP. OBJETIVO: Revisar los cierres de FOP realizados en nuestra institución, eva...

miR-22 and cerebral microbleeds in brainstem and deep area are associated with depression one month after ischemic stroke

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (5), 2020
In this study, we aimed to explore the relationship among miR-22, deep cerebral microbleeds (CMBs), and post-stroke depression (PSD) 1 month after ischemic stroke. We consecutively recruited 257 patients with first-ever and recurrent acute cerebral infarction and performed PSD diagnosis in accordance wit...

Cerebellar infarct following orchidopexy under spinal anesthesia

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (1), 2019
Abstract The report describes a case of peri-operative stroke that presented as diplopia and gait difficulty on 2nd post-operative day after routine orchidopexy under spinal anesthesia in an otherwise healthy young boy. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed acute infarct in bilateral cerebella...

High frequency of silent brain infarcts associated with cognitive deficits in an economically disadvantaged population

Clinics; 72 (8), 2017
OBJECTIVE: Using magnetic resonance imaging, we aimed to assess the presence of silent brain vascular lesions in a sample of apparently healthy elderly individuals who were recruited from an economically disadvantaged urban region (São Paulo, Brazil). We also wished to investigate whether the findings w...

Retracción palpebral de causa neurológica: presentación de tres pacientes, interpretación patogénica

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (2), 2017
Eyelid retraction, has received limited attention and it has passively been interpreted as the result of an overactive levator palpebrae superioris muscle secondary to midbrain injury. However, eyelid retractions can occur in other neurological diseases, not directly related with the midbrain. We report ...

Compromiso cerebrovascular agudo en síndrome hemolítico urémico: descripción de dos casos pediátricos

Rev. chil. pediatr; 88 (5), 2017
El Síndrome Hemolítico Urémico asociado a diarrea (SHU+D) es un desorden multisistémico en el cual el compromiso neurológico se asocia a empeoramiento del pronóstico. Una causa importante de daño neurológico permanente es el compromiso cerebrovascular. OBJETIVO: Reportar dos casos pediátricos de...

Las lesiones cerebrales asintomáticas se asocian a un aumento de la incidencia de accidente cerebrovascular y de la mortalidad global
Asymptomatic brain injuries are associated with an increased incidence of stroke and overall mortality