Results: 3

Cáncer de vesícula biliar ¿la contaminación por bilis afecta el pronóstico?

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 72 (4), 2020
Resumen Introducción: En algunas áreas el cáncer de la vesícula biliar se detecta en hasta el 3,5% de los pacientes intervenidos por colelitiasis. Con el objetivo de evaluar el rol de la ruptura de la vesícula y la consiguiente contaminación por bilis, se evaluó una serie de pacientes portadores ...

Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle in Cardiac Surgery

Arq. bras. cardiol; 112 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Surgical site infections (SSI) are among the most prevalent infections in healthcare institutions, attributing a risk of death which varies from 33% to 77% and a 2- to 11-fold increase in risk of death. Patients submitted to cardiac surgery are more susceptible to SSI, accounting fo...

Surgical treatment for congenital heart defects in down syndrome patients

Abstract Objective: To analyze data related to surgical treatment in patients with congenital heart defects (CHD) and Down syndrome (DS) based on information from International Quality Improvement Collaborative Database for Congenital Heart Disease (IQIC). Methods: Between July 1, 2010 and December 31,...