Results: 4

Neobenedenia melleni (Monogenea: Capsalidae) in ornamental reef fish imported to Brazil

Abstract The capsalid monogenean Neobenedenia melleni is known as a lethal pathogen for captured marine teleost ornamental fish, if left untreated. This study reports the occurrence of N. melleni parasitizing four species of ornamental reef fish imported into Brazil and maintained in quarantine: Arabian...

Echinococcosis and other parasitic infections in domestic dogs from urban areas of an argentinean Patagonian city

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (6), 2017
In urban populations of South America, dogs with free access to public areas represent a public health concern. The primary consequence of roaming dogs on human health is the transmission of infectious and parasitic diseases mainly through feces contamination. The main diseases likely to be transmitted a...