Results: 2

Morphological and molecular insights of a new species of trypanorhynchid cestode parasite, Nybelinia exostigmi, in the Narrowstripe cardinal fish Apogon exostigma

Abstract Forty specimens of the Narrowstripe cardinal fish Apogon exostigma were examined for gastrointestinal helminthes, and 62.5% were infected with a new trypanorhynchid larval cestode parasite. The morphology of its larval stage was studied based on light and scanning electron microscopy. The data r...

A new species of Acanthobothrium (Eucestoda: Onchobothriidae) in Aetobatus cf. narinari (Myliobatidae) from Campeche, México

Abstract The helminthological examination of nine individuals of Aetobatus cf. narinari (spotted eagle ray; raya pinta; arraia pintada) revealed the presence of an undescribed species of cestode of the genus Acanthobothrium. The stingrays were collected from four locations in México: Laguna Términos, s...