Results: 679

Inter-relação entre câncer e doenças periodontais

A Doença periodontal (DP) envolve doença bucal infecciosa de cunho polimicrobiano e multifatorial, que pode ocasionar inflamação crônica no periodonto. O câncer engloba a contextualização empregada para uma somatória de cerca de cem patologias que concomitantemente possuem características que e...

Silicotuberculosis en manipulador de mármol
Silicotuberculosis in Marble Handler

Alerta (San Salvador); 8 (1), 2025
Presentación del caso. El caso se refiere a un hombre de 58 años, con antecedentes médicos de hipertiroidismo y consumo de cannabis de aproximadamente 25 años. Presentó un cuadro clínico de alrededor de dos años de evolución con sintomatología respiratoria, caracterizada por epi...

Effect of the Jiedu Tongluo Shengjin formulation on plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome

This study assessed the effect of Jiedu Tongluo Shengjin formulation on plasma IgG levels in pSS patients. 89 pSS patients were randomized into treatment (45 cases; 1 drop-out) and control (44 cases) groups using the random number table method. The control group received hydrox...

Aspectos relacionados à síndrome de redistribuição de gordura e inflamação sistêmica em pessoas que vivem com HIV

Introdução: A terapia antirretroviral (TARV) trouxe mudanças para o perfil epidemiológico da infecção por HIV, reduzindo a mortalidade e melhorando a qualidade de vida das pessoas que vivem com HIV (PVHA). Porém, por conta dos mecanismos de ação de alguns medicamentos da TARV e dos efeitos resid...

Neuroprotective Potential of a Novel Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator the Riociguat Alone or in a Combination Manner with Resveratrol in Experimental Stroke Model in Rats

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: In this study we aimed to examine the effect of novel vasodilatory drug Riociguat co-administration along resveratrol to recover neurodegeneration in experimental stroke injury. For that purpose, thirty-five adult female rats were divided into five groups (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MC...

Croton stipulaceus Kunth, a native Mexican medicinal plant with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities

Leaves of Croton stipulaceuswere extracted (EHex, ECHCl3and EEtOH extracts) to assesstheir antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory activity in murine models and acute toxicity. EEtOH showed the highest effect in DPPH (37.80% inhibition), FRAP (1065.00 ± 55.30 μmolFe2+) ...

¿Podría la hemoglobina glicada ser considerada un marcador de inflamación en pacientes con diabetes mellitus?

La fisiopatología de la diabetes incluye la persistencia de un estado inflamatorio de bajo grado caracterizado por el incremento de citocinas proinflamatorias, proteínas de fase aguda y alteraciones en la respuesta inmunitaria que conllevan al desarrollo de complicaci...

Relação entre a doença periodontal e a doença de Alzheimer - Revisão da Literatura

O objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar a literatura para buscar evidências na associação entre a doença de Alzheimer e a Periodontite. A metodologia usada resultou numa busca às bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library e Web of Science, através dos artigos publicados entre o período de m...

Association of IGF-1 and IGF-2 genotypes with respiratory muscle strength in individuals with COPD: a cross-sectional study

Medwave; 24 (3), 2024
INTRODUCTION: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a systemic disease characterized not only by respiratory symptoms but also by physical deconditioning and muscle weakness. One prominent manifestation of this disease is the decline in respiratory muscle strength. Previous studies have linked the gen...

Effective Inhibition of TNFalpha/mTOR Axis-Mediated Liver Inflammation and Fibrosis Induced by TAA Using a Combination of Metformin and Resveratrol in Association with the Inhibition of the Profibrotic Gene and Protein Expression

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: The response of the immune system to harmful stimuli leads to inflammation, and the adverse effects of the toxic hepatitis chemical, thioacetamide (TAA) on the human body are well documented. This article investigated the degree of protection provided by the combined pleotropic drug, metformin (...