Results: 249

Exploratory analysis of the association between stature, obesity, and food insecurity in adults of the National Dietary Survey 2017-2018

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 37 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective Evaluate short stature as a possible explanation for obesity, and identify if consumption of energy, protein, carbohydrate, and lipids were associated to higher risk for obesity in Brazilian adults (20-59 y) living in household food insecurity. Methods Cross-sectional study from 2017...

Descripción de la ingesta de energía según grado de procesamiento de los alimentos. Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición y Salud 2018-19

Arch. argent. pediatr; 121 (5), 2023
Introducción. A nivel mundial los niños, niñas y adolescentes lideran el consumo de productos ultraprocesados. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la ingesta de energía según el grado de procesamiento de los alimentos por grupo etario, en la población urbana mayor de 2 años de la Argentin...

Efficacy of nutrition therapy with food rich in methionine for treating nonalcoholic fatty liver

Arch. latinoam. nutr; 73 (2), 2023
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease (NAFLD) can lead to Non Alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis, and liver cancer. The treatment for NAFLD involves modification of caloric intake and physical activity. NAFLD has a pro-oxidant nature; therefore, it is logical to suppose that the antioxidant methioni...


Actual. nutr; 24 (2), 2023
Una de las formas de estudiar patrones alimentarios es a través de Índices de Calidad de Dieta, algunos de los cuales se basan en la densidad nutricional de los alimentos. El concepto resume en una medida la relación entre energía y nutrientes a promover y a limitar, visibilizando las adecuaciones de...

Environmental characteristics, nutritional and executive functions in children of 6 to 7 years

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental characteristics, executive and nutritional functions in children aged 6 to 7 years, from public schools in Alagoas, Brazil. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed involving 64 children of the mentioned age group, fr...

Obesity and diet contents of protein and fat are associated with underreport of energy at pregnancy

Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the association of pre-pregnancy and current body mass index and the density of dietary macronutrients on underreporting of energy intake at pregnancy. Methods: cross-sectional analysis of 327 postpartum women from the city of Mesquita, in Rio de Janeiro. A food frequen...

Exploratory multigroup structural equation modeling approach to analyzing H. pylori infection, serological pepsinogen levels, and life style factors in an elderly population in Costa Rica

Poblac. salud mesoam; 19 (2), 2022
Abstract The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the association of PGI/PGII ratio (indicator of gastric atrophy) with H. pylori-CagA and life style factors such as caloric intake, obesity, and harmful habits amongst H. pylori-positive elderly people infected in Costa Rica using an exploratory mu...

Evolución del crecimiento de una cohorte de recién nacidos de la maternidad del Hospital Dr. Manuel Quintela con bajo peso al nacer hasta los 12 meses de edad corregida

Arch. pediatr. Urug; 93 (1), 2022
Introducción: en Uruguay, la proporción de nacimientos con bajo peso al nacer (BPN) se mantiene cercana al 8%. En este grupo resulta un desafío conseguir un adecuado crecimiento y desarrollo enfocado a prevenir enfermedades a mediano y largo plazo. Objetivo: analizar la velocidad de crecimiento y los ...

Fasting levels of appetite regulating hormones predict caloric intake at breakfast in a group of Chilean adolescents

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (2), 2022
BACKGROUND: Appetite regulation is integral to food intake and is modulated by complex interactions between internal and external stimuli. Hormonal mechanisms which stimulate or inhibit intake have been characterized, but the physiologic effects of serum levels of such hormones in short-term appetite reg...

Consumo de processados e ultraprocessados por gestantes da atenção básica no tocantins

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 8 (1), 2022
Introdução:oconsumo frequente de alimentos industrializados, prontos para o consumo, é considerado um mau hábito alimentar em todas as fases do ciclo da vida e pode ser especialmente prejudicial aos grupos populacionais mais vulneráveis, como as mulheres grávidas.Noentanto, são preparaçõe...