Resumo O artigo retrata os interesses de uma escritora inglesa do século XVII sobre cuidados médicos, e as razões que a levaram a publicar textos sobre essa matéria. Hannah Woolley tecia orientações sobre diversos assuntos do âmbito doméstico, entre os quais receitas para preservar a beleza e a s...
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is more effective in reducing the transmission of the alpha variant compared to the delta variant, and the effect decreases over time
Abstract Decisions need to be made about which services or technologies should be prioritized for provision in the NHS in England .The analysis focuses specifically on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and on how they appraise expensive medicines. This analysis takes a sociolo...
Resumo O objetivo do artigo é analisar as características das pesquisas nacionais de saúde realizadas no Brasil e na Inglaterra pelos seus respectivos institutos de Estatística. No Brasil foi considerada a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) e na Inglaterra, a Health Survey for England (HSE). Para tant...
Johann Sebastian Bach suffered during the last year of his life of a progressive visual defect despite two operations done by a famous but quite controversial English ocular surgeon of that time. The exact diagnosis of his ocular problems is unclear but cataracts and complicated glaucoma seem the most pl...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Research in Orthodontics has historically followed the positivist model based on the direct relationship of cause and effect between diseases and their specific etiological factors. Despite the objectivity and the great potential of statistical procedures, quantitative methods ha...