Results: 4

Perinatal exposure to an aromatase inhibitor glyphosate-base herbicide reduced male and female social behavior in juvenile age and the sexual behavior at adult female rats

Objectives: The herbicide glyphosate, a pesticide used in agriculture to control weeds, both in food crops and in other agricultural areas, has been identified as an endocrine modulator through the inhibition of aromatase activity and the activation of estrogen rece...

Use of aromatase inhibitors in patients with breast cancer is associated with deterioration of bone microarchitecture and density

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate changes in bone density and architecture in postmenopausal women with breast cancer (BC) and use of aromatase inhibitor (AI). Subjects and methods: Thirty-four postmenopausal women with BC, without bone metastasis, renal function impairment and who were not receiving bon...

Urinary incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms in women with breast cancer being treated with oral hormone therapy

Abstract Objective: The objective of the present study is to observe the frequency and severity of urinary symptoms in women with breast cancer (BC) being treated with oral hormone therapy, associating them to drug adherence. Methods: The participants were interviewed once from June to October 2016. Th...

Uso de testosterona en mujeres: un comentario sobre el consenso global sobre el uso de la terapia de testosterona para mujeres
Global consensus position statement on the use of testosterone therapy for women

Las mujeres han sido tratadas por décadas con testosterona intentando aliviar una gran variedad de síntomas con riesgos y beneficios inciertos. En la mayoría de los países, la testosterona se prescribe “off-label”, de modo que las mujeres están utilizando compuestos y dosis ideadas para tratamie...