Objetivo: revisar a literatura sobre os diferentes tipos de derivados de plaquetas autólogas e o desempenho clínico do uso do sticky bone para aumento ósseo horizontal de rebordo. Materiais e métodos: Para realização dessa revisão foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Google Scholar e...
Introduction: Due to the extensive number of studies developed on periodontal pathologies and the clinical need generated to correct bonvze defects, we have carried out an Overview of systematic reviews using the FRISBEE methodology. Material and Methods: Through this study we expect to bridge the knowle...
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to analyze the inflammation index, edema, bacterial plaque presence and postoperative discomfort, with the use of chlorhexidine gel. This is a randomized double-blinded pilot study, with 21 unilateral cleft lip and palate individuals, randomized into 2 groups: Te...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify patients' and informal caregivers' questions related to alveolar bone graft post-operative care. Methods: analytical and cross-sectional study, developed in a public and tertiary hospital between October 2017 and February 2018. The sample consisted of 46 participants. D...
Abstract Objective This study analyzed the maintenance of lateral incisors in the dental rehabilitation of individuals with cleft lip and palate. Material and Methods The study was conducted on a tertiary craniofacial center and comprised retrospective analysis of panoramic and periapical radiographs o...
INTRODUÇÃO: Enxerto ósseo autógeno é o padrão no tratamento da falha óssea alveolar. Como a morbidade na área doadora após a obtenção de enxerto ósseo continua sendo um problema relevante em pacientes fissurados, este estudo avaliou a dor na área doadora de pacientes fissurados submetidos ao...