Results: 4

Correlation between the histopathology of chronic urticaria and its clinical picture

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (6), 2016
Abstract BACKGROUND: Chronic urticaria is characterized by transient, pruritic lesions of varying sizes, with central pallor and well-defined edges, with disease duration longer than six weeks. Its cellular infiltrate consists of neutrophils, lymphocytes and eosinophils. There is a subgroup of patients ...

Evaluacion del Estado Nutricional en un Grupo de Ninos Asmaticos
Evaluation of nutricional status in a group of asthmatic children

Rev. cuba. aliment. nutr; 10 (1), 1996
Con el objetivo de evaluar la repercusion del asma bronquial sobre el estado nutricional, se efectuo un estudio transversal en 180 ninos asmaticos de uno y otro sexo, entre 7 y 15 anos de edad, atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital Pediatrico Docente de Centro Habana, en los que predominaban los ...