Unravelling the efficacy of gut biome has a major impact on health. An unbalanced microbiome composition is linked to many common illnesses such as gut dysbiosis, mental deformities and immunological imbalance. An optimistic influence on the gut biome can be made by...
A desnutrição proteico-energética (DPE) altera a hemopoese e, portanto, a geração de células imunológicas, bem como compromete o sistema imune. Desta forma, indivíduos desnutridos apresentam maior susceptibilidade a infecções. As células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) possuem propriedades imunomod...
Lectinas são proteínas cuja principal característica é a de se ligar específica e reversivelmente a carboidratos. BanLec é a lectina presente na polpa de bananas, que se liga especificamente a manose e glicose, e é capaz de induzir a proliferação de células T, podendo estimular a resposta imune...
INTRODUÇÃO: O processo de cicatrização é imediato e dinâmico, com o objetivo de restaurar a continuidade anatômica e funcional, e devem existir condições para esse processo, o que inclui um estado nutricional adequado. Dentre as fórmulas de suplementação existentes, as imunomoduladoras têm s...
Evidence is presented indicating that behavioral conditioning techniques can be used to suppress and enhance antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses. Application of conditioning techniques in the pharmacotherapy of autoimmune disease in New Zeland mice resulted in a delay in the onset of lupus using...
Clinical studies of the immunological effects of methionine enkephalin in normal volunteers, cancer, and AIDS patients are summarized. The major immunology changes seen were increases in T cell subsets, natural killer activity, as well as mitogen blastogenesis. Clinically, the cancer and ARC patients did...
In spite of the availability of multiple effector mechanisms of the immune system to combat tumour growth and metastases, their impairment frequently accompanies the appearance of cancer. Factors contributing to this impairment may be related to properties of the host and/or the tumour itself and may be ...