Results: 4

Histological Techniques for the Study of the Dentogingival Junction: A Scoping Review Using the Anatomical Quality Assurance Checklist (AQUA)

Int. j. morphol; 41 (3), 2023
SUMMARY: The dentogingival junction (DGJ) is an adaptation of the oral mucosa composed of epithelial and connective tissues intimately related with the mineralised tissues of the tooth. The histological evidence available is mainly based on studies in animals, separate evaluations of hard and soft tissue...

Aumento de tejido gingival queratinizado y cobertura radicular mandibular durante tratamiento de ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar: presentación de un caso clínico
Augmentation of the keratinized gingival tissue and mandibular root coverage during orthodontic and maxillary orthopedic treatments: report of a clinical case

Espacio biológico: invasión, preservación y protocolos de acción en periodoncia y odontología restauradora

Rev. cient. odontol; 3 (2), 2015
El concepto de “espacio biológico” ha sido ampliamente descrito por periodoncistas y odontólogos generales. Se denomina “espacio biológico” a la unión dentogingival que está constituida por el epitelio de unión y el tejido conectivo de inserción de la encía. Cuando se habl...

Effects of zinc during lactation on the junctional epithelium and inserted gum in rats

Int. j. morphol; 31 (1), 2013
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of zinc, during lactation, on the junctional epithelium and inserted gum of the first upper molar of rats. The study used one-day old male rats, divided into two groups: those whose mother had been treated with 300 mg zinc chloride (ZnCl2) in the drin...