Results: 4

Obstinación terapéutica y su límite con la ética: ¿cuándo detenerse?

Rev. chil. anest; 50 (1), 2021
Obstinacy or therapeutic cruelty is a medical practice based on the application of extraordinary and disproportionate methods of life support in terminally ill or irrecoverable patients. It is not without risks and can cause physical, psychological and social damage, which is why this practice is not eth...

Eutanasia, distanasia o ensañamiento terapéutico en la ley
Euthanasia, distanasia or therapeutic cruelty in law

La reanimación cardiorrespiratoria y la orden de no reanimar
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and do not resuscitate orders

Rev. méd. Chile; 135 (5), 2007
In medical practice, the different scenarios in which cardio respiratory resuscitation (CPR) may be applied must be taken into account. CPR is crucial in subjects that arrive in emergency rooms or suffer a cardiac arrest in public places or at their homes. It is also critical in hospitalized patients wit...