Results: 32

Evaluation of The Cleaning Protocol of Post Space on Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts

This study aimed to compare the effect of four irrigation solutions for post space cleaning on the bond strength between glass fiber post and root dentine. Forty bovine roots were root-filled and randomly divided into four groups (n=10), according to the irrigation solution: CG (Control Group): saline so...

Determination of sodium hypochlorite concentrations in the activation of the irrigant by passive technique with ultrasonic, during the ex vivo endodontic protocol

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Sodium hypochlorite and ultrasonic activation have a synergistic and improving effect on canal disinfection. Some authors found irrigant decrease after activation with ultrasonic, while others described an increased concentration in later stages. The aim of this study was to deter...

Remoción de hidróxido de calcio del canal radicular con irrigación manual, sónica y ultrasónica
Calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal by manual, sonic and ultrasonic irrigation

Introducción: Resulta fundamental la remoción por completo del hidróxido de calcio previo a la obturación del canal radicular que podría impedir la penetración de los selladores en los túbulos dentinarios. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la eliminación de la medicación con hidróxido de...

Effect of passive ultrasonic activation on microorganisms in primary root canal infection: a randomized clinical trial

J. appl. oral sci; 28 (), 2020
Abstract Objective: This clinical study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of passive ultrasonic activation (PUA) in eliminating microorganisms in primary endodontic infection (PEI) after instrumentation of root canals using microbiological culture and checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Methodology:...

Systematic review of the literature on surgical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in children: what is the best approach?

ABSTRACT Objective: To carry out a systematic literature review on the surgical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in the pediatric population. Data sources: A bibliographic review methodology was used, based on data from National Library of Medicine (Medline), PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Hea...

Uso de la Fibrina Rica en Plaquetas Inyectable (i-PRF) en Defectos Infra Óseos en Terapia Periodontal no Quirúrgica. Reporte de Dos Casos

RESUMEN: Entre los concentrados plaquetarios de segunda generación, ha suscitado creciente interés, el uso de fibrina rica en plaquetas y leucocitos inyectable (i-PRF); que se obtiene a partir de la centrifugación inmediata de sangre venosa del propio individuo, y que aporta concentraciones elevadas d...

Penetration degree of sealer in artificial lateral canal after passive ultrasonic irrigation with EDTA for different times

Acta odontol. latinoam; 32 (2), 2019
The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of penetration of obturation cement in artificial lateral canals after Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI) with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for different times. Fifty upper molar palatine roots were used, in which two artificial lateral canals w...

Anterograde irrigation - assisted ureteroscopic lithotripsy in patients with percutaneous nephrostomy

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT In complicated urinary tract infection with ureteral calculi, urinary diversion is inevitable. So, stenting or percutaneous drainage can be an option. In hemodynamically unstable patients, percutaneous drainage is superior to ureteral stenting (1). Once acute infection is controlled, definite tr...

Volume and/or time of naocl influences the fracture strength of endodontically treated bovine teeth

Braz. dent. j; 30 (1), 2019
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate whether amplifying the volume and/or time of contact of NaOCl affects the fracture strength of endodontically treated bovine teeth. Four bovine incisors from 10 animals were allocated into 4 groups using a split-mouth design. Root canals were instrumented us...

Efeito da irrigação ultrassônica e da medicação intracanal com hidróxido de cálcio na quantidade e no metabolismo de bactérias que persistiram após o preparo dos canais radiculares de dentes com periodontite apical

Estudos moleculares ressaltam as limitações do protocolo endodôntico tradicional em eliminar bactérias dos canais radiculares. Apesar do preparo químico-cirúrgico (PQC) promover uma drástica redução bacteriana, muitos canais continuam infectados após essa etapa do tratamento. Dessa forma, estud...