Results: 48

Biological sealing aspects surrounding anterior crowns on dental implants: clinical and photographic cases report

The biological sealing (BS) around implants is a dominant factor to determine the long-term success of peri-implant health. There are several features of the BS around implants in common with the soft tissue attached to teeth, such as the presence of crevicular fluid, acquired pellicle, epithelium; other...

Prevalencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis en un grupo de pacientes con aparatología fija de ortodoncia

Rev. ADM; 79 (5), 2022
Introducción: existen diversos patógenos que pueden afectar no sólo la salud periodontal, sino también la salud general de los pacientes. Objetivo: determinar la Porphyromonas gingivalis (PG) en el primer molar superior derecho de adolescentes, de entre 12 y 18 años, con al menos un mes de tratamien...

Gingival crevicular fluid as Biomarker's source for alzheimer's disease

Odovtos (En línea); 24 (1), 2022
Abstract Periodontitis is a low-grade inflammatory disease caused by a subgingival dysbiotic microbiota. Multiple studies have determined the higher prevalence of tooth loss and poor oral hygiene in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the periodontal diagnosis, periodontal bacteria or mediat...

Análisis Microbiológico del Fluido Crevicular para Determinar Presencia de Candida albicans en Bolsas Periodontales de Sujetos Adultos

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la asociación entre la profundidad de bolsa periodontal y la presencia de Candida albicans en el fluido crevicular de sujetos adultos con salud gingival y periodontitis, recibidos en el área de la Maestría en Periodoncia de un Centro Odontológico. E...

The Effect of Periodontal and Peri-Implanter Health on IL-1 and TNF- Levels in Gingival Crevicular and Peri-Implanter Sulcus Fluid: a Cross-Sectional Study

Odovtos (En línea); 23 (1), 2021
Abstract: It is stated that peri-implanter diseases have destructive effects similar to periodontal diseases. This study aims to compare IL-1β and TNF-α levels in healthy and diseased areas. Forty non-smokers systemically health individuals (40 implants/40 teeth) (age:38-67) were included in th...

Levels of the interleukins 17A, 22, and 23 and the S100 protein family in the gingival crevicular fluid of psoriatic patients with or without periodontitis,

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (2), 2021
Abstract Background: Psoriasis and periodontitis are immunologically mediated chronic inflammatory diseases. Epidemiologic evidence has linked both; however, the change of markers in gingival crevicular fluid has been poorly evaluated. Objective: To evaluate the levels of IL-17A, IL-22, IL-23, S100A7, ...

Endocan (ESM-1) levels in gingival crevicular fluid correlate with ICAM-1 and LFA-1 in periodontitis

Abstract: Endocan, a 50 kDa soluble proteoglycan, also called endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (ESM-1), is involved in many major cellular activities and has been reported to be overexpressed in inflammatory conditions. This study aims to determine ESM-1 levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samp...

Immunoglobulin G Levels in the Gingival Crevicular Fluid of Menopausal Patients with Periodontitis

Abstract Objective: To measure the level of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Material and Methods: A total of 158 patients aged >45 years were examined for periodontitis and interviewed regarding their menopausal status. The non-menopause group entailed female patients ...

Lymphocyte B and Th17 chemotactic cytokine levels in peri-implant crevicular fluid of patients with healthy, peri-mucositis, and peri-implantitis implants

J. oral res. (Impresa); S1 Preecedings (), 2020
Peri-implantitis is one of the leading causes of implant failure and loss, and its early diagnosis is not currently feasible due to the low sensitivity of currents methods. In the current exploratory cross-sectional study, we explored the diagnostic potential of lymphocyte B and Th17-chemotactic cytokine...

Influência de laminados cerâmicos cimentados sobre dentes naturais sem término cervical na microbiota do fluido gengival crevicular: estudo clínico, prospectivo e longitudinal usando PCR em tempo real

Objetivo: quantificar bactérias colonizadoras do sulco gengival em paralelo à verificação do comportamento clínico periodontal e da adaptação marginal de laminados cerâmicos cimentados sobre dentes sem término cervical. Métodos: 73 laminados cerâmicos em dissilicato de lítio monolítico foram...