Results: 15

Potential of Tetradenia riparia leaf essential oil and its fractions in controlling Aedes aegypti and Rhipicephalus microplus larvae

Biosci. j. (Online); 39 (), 2023
Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd (Lamiaceae) is a shrub, commonly known as ginger bush or false myrrh, and several studies have shown that T. riparia exhibits a variety of biological properties. This study aimed to determine the chemical composition of T. riparia essential oil and its fractions, investi...

Óleos essenciais e extratos vegetais como ferramentas alternativas ao controle químico de larvas de Aedes spp, Anopheles spp e Culex spp

Objetivos: Realizar um levantamento das contribuições científicas produzidas entre 2017 e 2021 acerca do efeito larvicida de óleos essenciais e extratos vegetais no controle de Aedes spp, Anopheles spp e Culex spp. Métodos: de setembro a outubro de 2022, foi realizado um levantamento de artigos cien...

Biotechnological potential of essential oils from different chemotypes of Lippia alba(Mill.) N.E.Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson

This study reports the biotechnological importance of seven Lippia albaspecimens collected in different places in Brazil, and evaluation of some activities as larvicidal against Aedes spp., antifungal against dermatophytes; cytotoxicity against SNB-19 (astrocytoma), HCT-116 (human col...

Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of the essential oil of Pimenta dioica leaves

In this study, we investigated the main constituent, the predominant class and biological activity of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of Pimenta dioica and the pattern of the major constituent against larvae in the third stage of Aedes aegypti. For this reason, we extracted the oil by hydr...

Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oils from Zingiber montanum (J. Koenig) Link ex. A. Dietr. against three mosquito vectors

The chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oils derived from the leaves and rhizomes of Zingiber montanum (J. Koenig) Link ex. A. Dietr. were reported. The main compounds in the leaf oil were β-pinene (13.8%), β-phellandrene (11.3%) and α-pinene (7.3%) while the rhizome oil was domi...

Biocidal potential of Eugenia pyriformis essential oil in the control of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in the free-living cycle

Pesqui. vet. bras; 39 (11), 2019
Brazil has one of the largest commercial cattle herds in the world, which naturally coexist with an enormous number of parasitic species. Southern cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, is among these species, interfering with animal productivity and causing losses to the beef and dairy cattle...

Evaluación de la eficacia larvicida de Rapidall NP3 (Bacillus thuringiensis) contra Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) en condiciones de laboratorio

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 71 (1), 2019
Los mosquitos son vectores trasmisores de enfermedades como: dengue, zika y chikunguya. El control biológico es una alternativa viable a tener en cuenta por los programas de control. Bacillus thuringiensis es el microorganismo más usado en salud pública. Su efectividad como larvicida contra culícidos...

Teste do óleo essencial de laranja (Citrus sinensis) encapsulado em leveduras para o controle da população de Aedes aegypti em Belo Horizonte - MG

Arbovírus como dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV) e chikungunya (CHIKV) são hoje uma importante e constante ameaça à saúde humana em regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. As epidemias causadas por esses vírus estão intimamente relacionadas à disseminação do seu vetor primário, o Aedes aegypti. N...

Estudo experimental sobre a ação de larvicidas em populações de Aedes aegypti do município de Itabuna, Bahia, em condições simuladas de campo

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 28 (1), 2019
Objetivo: avaliar, em condições simuladas de campo, a eficácia do pyriproxyfen (hormônio juvenil), do novaluron (inibidor de quitina) e do spinosad (biolarvicida) no controle do Aedes aegypti. Métodos: exposição periódica de larvas de Ae. aeypti obtidas em Itabuna a recipientes tratados com os l...

Chemical composition, larvicidal activity and residual effect of Pterodon polygalaeflorus (Benth.) Benth. (Fabaceae) fruit oil extracts against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

Rev. patol. trop; 48 (4), 2019
The purpose of this study was to investigate the larvicidal activity of Pterodon polygalaeflorus oil extract against the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti. For this, crushed P. polygalaeflorus fruit underwent solvent extraction to obtain the oil extract. The chemical characterization was performed by gas chr...