Results: 3

Rotator Cuff Healing

Abstract The present article broadly addresses the aspects that interfere with the healing process of the rotator cuff. Life habits, such as smoking and alcoholism, are considered, systemic factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and obesity, as well as local factors, among which are those relat...

Lesión traumática del nervio axilar identificada luego de la reparación del manguito rotador
Traumatic injury of the axillary nerve identified after rotator cuff repair

Introducción: La prevalencia del dolor de hombro oscila entre el 6,7% y el 66,7%; los trastornos del manguito rotador y especialmente la ruptura pueden alcanzar una prevalencia del 22,1%. Debido a los importantes avances y estudios en la reparación de esta lesión, la cirugía artroscópica ha permitid...

Tendinitis cálcica del manguito rotador y su lavado por ultrasonido

Rev. chil. radiol; 23 (3), 2017
Purpose: The objective of this study is to describe the technique of lavage and aspiration of calcifications under ultrasound in patients affected by this entity and to evaluate their results in the short term. Experimental design: Retrospective, descriptive study, with approval from the Ethics Committee...