Results: 74

Impacto psicológico de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en personal sanitario
Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health professionals

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 52 (4), 2023
Introducción: La rápida propagación de la COVID-19 a escala mundial ocasionó el colapso de los sistemas sanitarios, lo cual contribuyó a que el personal sanitario incrementara el agotamiento sufrido, tanto físico como mental. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto psicológico de la pandemia de la COVID-1...

Medical empathy in the physician-patient relationship: A review from a cultural perspective

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (9), 2023
BACKGROUND: Medical empathy is a fundamental pillar in the social construction of the physician-patient relationship. In this light, patients' beliefs and perceptions of medical empathy, and physicians' empathic attitudes towards their patients are guided by their socio-cultural understandings and expect...

Can the Second and Fourth Finger (2D: 4D) Ratio Guide Physicians in Choosing Internal Medicine or Surgical Branch?

Int. j. morphol; 41 (4), 2023
SUMMARY: This study investigates the relationship between the second and fourth finger ratio (2D:4D), physicians' propensity to choose an internal or surgical branch, and sex differences. On a voluntary basis, 177 physicians working in Elazig, 122 men and 55 women were enrolled in the study. Their hands ...

Validación de la escala Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire en estudiantes de medicina y médicos en Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (4), 2023
BACKGROUND: The increasing use of Mindfulness-based interventions requires standardized construct-based measurement instruments for clinical and research purposes. The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire scale with five factors was developed in the United States and validated in Spain. There are version...

Síndrome de burnout en cirujanos generales en tiempos de la pandemia COVID-19

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 74 (5), 2022
Objetivo: Evaluar el síndrome de burnout (SB) en cirujanos generales. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en nuestro centro hospitalario, en agosto de 2021. La muestra estuvo formada por 56 profesionales de la salud que incluyeron a residentes y especialistas en cirugia gener...

Human embryology science: which theoretical information do clinical embryologists need to know more about? A survey

Int. j. morphol; 40 (3), 2022
SUMMARY: For the past decades, it has been apparent that assisted reproductive technologies along with clinical embryology have both propounded themselves triumphantly in the field of medicine. Although high-tech equipment and staff skills are crucial to the success of these breakthrough implementations,...

Uso del pódcast como herramienta educativa en una residencia de Cirugía General en tiempos de COVID-19

Rev. argent. cir; 114 (1), 2022
RESUMEN Antecedentes: la pandemia de COVID-19 alteró la formación de los residentes de cirugía, disminuyendo sus oportunidades de aprendizaje. La lectura y análisis de trabajos científicos a través de pódcast podrían ser una opción para atenuar ese problema. Objetivo: evaluar la aceptación po...

Percepção de cuidados desproporcionais entre médicos seniores, médicos residentes, enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem em um centro de terapia intensiva

Clin. biomed. res; 42 (3), 2022
Introdução: O aumento progressivo de medidas avançadas para manutenção da vida em pacientes com pouca expectativa de sobrevida gera percepção de cuidado desproporcional. Objetivamos averiguar a prevalência de cuidado desproporcional em equipe médica e enfermagem que atuam na Unidade de Terapia I...