Results: 3

Aproximación diagnóstica y terapéutica ante la fibrilación auricular
Diagnostic and therapeutic approaching to the auricular fibrillation

Rev. medica electron; 39 (6), 2017
La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más sobresaliente a la que se enfrenta el médico general. Fuertemente asociada al envejecimiento y a la vasculopatía crónica, su presencia se relaciona con el riesgo de aumentar la morbimortalidad tromboembólica. Como objetivo se planteó actualizar pertinent...

Assessing the quality of referral letters written by general practitioners: a cross-sectional study in rural Iran

Abstract: Establishing effective communication between general practitioners (GPs) and medical specialists is a key component of the referral system. Written communication between GPs and medical specialists is the most common communication tool. This study was conducted to evaluate quality (information ...

Habilidades clínicas para el manejo de trastornos depresivos en médicos generales en Santiago de Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (1), 2016
Background: Diverse and sustained efforts have been developed to improve the management of depression by general practitioners (GPs), but they have not improved treatment coverage and quality of services. Aim: To explore the level of knowledge and clinical skills to diagnose and treat depression by GPs i...