La presente investigación tuvo como fin medir la respuesta fisiológica (frecuencia cardiaca, saturación de oxígeno y temperatura) del niño(a) prematuro(a) o con bajo peso al nacer, con la aplicación de la técnica “Masaje al Bebé Canguro-MBC”, con el animo de demostrar la seguridad de esta té...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze skin-to-skin contact practice in full-term newborns after birth. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out in São Paulo-SP with 78 mother-child binomials. Data were obtained from medical records and by non-participant observation. Maternal, neonatal and care conditions...
Objective: This study aims to identify existing research in the literature that addresses the benefits of the kangaroo mother care. Methods: This is an integrative review of the literature. The search in MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF and SCIELO databases were performed using the descriptors: “kangaroo mother ...
Abstract Objective: To analyze the knowledge, potentialities and barriers related to the implantation of the Kangaroo Method in the perception of nurses who work in the maternal-infant units of a school hospital. Method: An exploratory-descriptive research with a qualitative approach, guided by the Pol...
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the conditions that influence the adherence and application of best practices by nurses in the context of the Nursing care management in the Kangaroo Mother Care in the Neonatal ICU. Method: Study of qualitative approach, whose theoretical and methodological frameworks...
Objetivos Formular un modelo multinivel para el análisis longitudinal de la tasa global de ganancia de peso en el Programa Madre Canguro. Metodología Se realiza un modelo multinivel, considerando en el primer nivel la variable tiempo y algunas variables del infante y de la madre; para el segundo nivel ...