Results: 6

Effect of phyllanthus niruri on metabolic parameters of patients with kidney stone: a perspective for disease prevention

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Phyllanthus niruri (P.niruri) or stone breaker is a plant commonly used to reduce stone risk, however, clinical studies on this issue are lacking. Objective: To prospectively evaluate the effect of P. niruri on the urinary metabolic parameters of patients with urinary lithiasis. Materials and ...

Are patients with lichen planus really prone to urolithiasis? Lichen planus and urolithiasis

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate whether patients with lichen planus (LP) are really prone to urolithiasis or not. Patients and Methods We performed a prospective analysis of 40 patients diagnosed with lichen planus (LP) (group I), and 40 volunteers did not have LP before (group II). Participants were...

Perfil de riesgo litogénico en pacientes con urolitiasis en Paraguay

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (6), 2016
The lithogenic risk profile is a graphical representation of metabolic factors and urinary saturation involved in the stone formation with their respective critical values. Aim: To determine the lithogenic risk profile in patients with urolithiasis. Material and Methods: Personal data such as anthropomet...

Valores de referência de parâmetros urinários envolvidos na litogênese
Reference values of urinary parameters that participate in lithogenesis

J. bras. nefrol; 18 (2), 1996
Neste trabalho determinamos em nossa populaçao, os valores normais de parâmetros urinários que participam na formaçao de cálculos renais, bem como de creatinina comparando-os com os relatados na literatura. Os valores em média + desvio padrao (X+DP) do grupo controle (N=200) e do grupo formador de ...