Results: 67

British Honduras annual medical report for the year ending 31st December, 1953

British Honduras annual medical report for the year ending 31st December, 1953 addresses the development and welfare schemes; housing issues; public health including communicable diseases; medical institutions; preventive measures; and hospital services. With regards to the Communicable Diseases statisti...

Factores de riesgo asociados a la transmisión de malaria en zona endemica de Córdoba, Colombia

El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar factores de riesgo asociados a la transmisión de la malaria en el municipio de Puerto Libertador, Córdoba. Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico transversal, retrospectivo, con enfoque cuantitativo de casos de malaria de zonas rurales del municipio. La i...

Flight tone characterisation of the South American malaria vector Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae)

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 116 (), 2021
BACKGROUND Flight tones play important roles in mosquito reproduction. Several mosquito species utilise flight tones for mate localisation and attraction. Typically, the female wingbeat frequency (WBF) is lower than males, and stereotypic acoustic behaviors are instrumental for successful copulation. Mo...

Composition and abundance of anopheline species according to habitat diversity in Mexico

Salud pública Méx; 62 (4), 2020
Abstract: Objective: To determine the abundance and geographic distribution of the main malaria vectors, which are influenced by habitat characteristics and ecological factors that directly impact adult density and the dynamics of malaria transmission in Mexico. Materials and methods: Samples of larvae...

The impact of imported malaria by gold miners in Roraima: characterizing the spatial dynamics of autochthonous and imported malaria in an urban region of Boa Vista

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 115 (), 2020
BACKGROUND The number of malaria cases in Roraima nearly tripled from 2016 to 2018. The capital, Boa Vista, considered a low-risk area for malaria transmission, reported an increasing number of autochthonous and imported cases. OBJECTIVES This study describes a spatial analysis on malaria cases in an ...

Malária na fronteira do Brasil com a Guiana Francesa: a influência dos determinantes sociais e ambientais da saúde na permanência da doença

Saúde Soc; 29 (2), 2020
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a influência dos determinantes socioambientais da saúde na incidência de malária por Plasmodium vivax na fronteira franco-brasileira. O estudo foi realizado entre 2011 e 2015, no município de Oiapoque (AP), na Amazônia brasileira. Foram incluídos na amost...

Environmental and socioeconomic analysis of malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon, 2010-2015

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the environmental and socioeconomic risk factors of malaria transmission at municipality level, from 2010 to 2015, in the Brazilian Amazon. METHODS The municipalities were stratified into high, moderate, and low transmission based on the annual parasite incidence. A mult...

Estudo da permeabilidade vascular pulmonar e das junções interendoteliais na malária experimental

Infecções por Plasmodium spp. podem acarretar em complicações pulmonares (1 a 40% dos casos), que podem resultar no desenvolvimento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Esta síndrome é caracterizada por inflamação aguda, lesão do endotélio alveolar e do parênquima pulmonar, ...

Current vector control challenges in the fight against malaria in Brazil

Abstract In Brazil, malaria is an important public health problem first reported in 1560. Historically, fluctuations in malaria cases in Brazil are attributed to waves of economic development; construction of railroads, highways, and hydroelectric dams; and population displacement and land occupation pol...