Results: 2

Effect of Artificial Ageing Using Different Wood Chips on Physico-chemical, Sensory and Antimicrobial Properties of Apple Tea Wine

Abstract: Freshly prepared apple tea wine (a combination of tea extract and apple juice) is having yeasty and dull flavour, which needs to be improved to increase the acceptability of this product. Therefore, an attempt has been made for artificial ageing of apple tea wine using different wood chips to i...

Possibility of using apple pomaces in the process of propionic-acetic fermentation

Electron. j. biotechnol; 19 (5), 2016
Background: In 2014, apple production in EU countries amounted to 11.8 million tonnes. A constant increase in the production of these fruits will lead to the accumulation of thousands of tonnes of apple pomace (production waste). The amount of industrial apples is the highest - their proportiononthe mark...