Results: 4

Pharmacological importance of Manilkara zapota and its bioactive constituents

Manilkara zapota (Sapotaceae), commonly known as Sapodilla, is widely known for its delicious fruit. Various parts of this plant are also used in folk medicine to treat a number of conditions including fever, pain, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhage and ulcers. Scientific studies have demonstrated analges...

Alternative vibro-dynamic compression processing of wood-cement composites using Amazonian wood

Acta amaz; 49 (1), 2019
Wood-cement composite (WCC) is a potential construction material for tropical regions, due to its physico-mechanical properties and resistance to decay and fungi attack. However it is important to test alternative production methods and wood materials that are easier and cheaper than those traditionally ...

In vivo mucoadhesive strength appraisal of gum Manilkara zapota

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 51 (3), 2015
The mucilage (MMZ) extracted from the seeds of Manilkara zapota(Linn.) P. Royen syn. using maceration techniques was evaluated for mucoadhesive strength by various in vitro and in vivo methods. The result showed that mucoadhesive strength of seeds mucilage have comparable property toward natural and synt...

Carvão de resíduos de indústria madeireira de três espécies florestais exploradas no município de Paragominas, PA
Charcoal from timber industry residues of three tree species logged in the municipality of Paragominas, PA

Acta amaz; 37 (1), 2007
Este trabalho avalia as principais propriedades do carvão de Manilkara amazonica (maçaranduba), Lecythis pisonis (sapucaia) e Piptadenia suaveolens (timborana), carbonizadas em sete e dez dias. O carvão foi produzido a partir de resíduos da serraria da Empresa Cikel Brasil Verde S. A., na Fazenda Rio...