Introduction: A reliable list of species and the analysis of diversity patterns of hyperdiverse taxa, like butterflies, are fundamental for monitoring and managing biological resources. Oaxaca is one of the most diverse states in Mexico for many groups including Lepidoptera and most of its diversity is u...
Lonomia obliqua (Walker, 1855) es una mariposa nocturna de la familia Saturniidae, ampliamente distribuida en selvas tropicales de Sudamérica. Su larva (oruga) se caracteriza por poseer espículas ramificadas puntiagudas a lo largo de su cuerpo, que contienen una mezcla compleja de moléculas tóxicas e...
Gorgona is a continental island at the Pacific coast of Colombia. For 26 years it was a prison but in 1986 it was declared a National Park, and the land was left aside for natural succession. This study presents a list of its Lepidoptera, compares it to a former study and discusses some ecological factor...
Este trabalho avaliou a fauna de Arctiinae em Altamira, Pará, numa área com forte ação antrópica, por meio de armadilhas luminosas, com capturas de duas noites a cada fase de lua nova por mês, no período de dezembro de 2007 a novembro de 2008. Na avaliação foram utilizados os parâmetros: riquez...
Costa Ricas most populated area, the Central valley, has lost much of its natural habitat, and the little that remains has been altered to varying degrees. Yet few studies have been conducted to assess the need for conservation in this area. We present preliminary inventories of plants, butterflies, an...