Results: 25

Odontoma composto em maxila: relato de caso

Introdução: Os odontomas compostos são tumores odontogênicos benignos mistos, mais comumente encontrados na região anterior da maxila, com predileção pela segunda década de vida, podendo levar à má oclusão, interferência na erupção dos dentes, deslocamento e malformação dos dentes adjacen...

Avaliação da ozonioterapia no tratamento da osteonecrose induzida por zoledronato em ratas senis

A ozonioterapia vem se demonstrando uma ferramenta promissora na prevenção de infecções e no auxílio da reparação tecidual, conciliando com os desafios no tratamento da osteonecrose dos maxilares induzida por medicamentos (ONM-M), este projeto objetiva analisar os efeitos da ozonioterapia, em 55 r...

Diagnóstico precoz de la estrechez del maxilar superior en la dentición mixta
Early diagnosis of the maxillary´s narrowness in the mixed dentition

Las compresiones del maxilar superior son alteraciones transversales por discrepancia óseo-dentaria. .En la dentición mixta temprana puede establecerse la estrechez mediante índices que relacionan el tamaño dental con el ancho transversal del arco dentario. Se analizaron 33 modelos superiores de niñ...

Cambios Faciales y su Estabilidad en el Tiempo en Pacientes con Fisura Labiopalatina no Sindrómica Sometidos a Distracción Osteogénica Maxilar con Distractor Externo Rígido. Revisión Narrativa

RESUMEN: Las fisuras labiopalatinas corresponden a las malformaciones de cabeza y cuello de mayor prevalencia a nivel mundial; dentro de las cuales, aquellas que no están asociadas a síndrome son las más frecuentes. Los pacientes que sufren estas malformaciones presentan en muchos casos hipoplasia max...

Jaws can be referred to as narrow or hypoplastic, but the term "atresia" is inaccurate!

ABSTRACT In order to lead to insights and discussion on proper use of Orthodontics and Pathology-related terminology, particularly in cases of smaller-than-usual maxilla and mandible - that is, anomalous ones -, this study compared the conceptual meaning of the term "atresia." It is considered improper w...

Short-term evaluation of tegumentary changes of the nose in oral breathers undergoing rapid maxillary expansion

Abstract Introduction Rapid maxillary expansion is an orthodontic and orthopedic procedure that can change the form and function of the nose. The soft tissue of the nose and its changes can influence the esthetics and the stability of the results obtained by this procedure. Objective The objective of t...

Plaque index and gingival index during rapid maxillary expansion of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess, during rapid maxillary expansion, the plaque index (PI) and the gingival index (GI) of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate(UCLP) using Hyrax (HX) or inverted mini-Hyrax (IMHX) rapid maxillary expanders (RME) considering patients' sex and age. Methods: PI (Quigl...

Nonsurgical treatment for a severe anterior and lateral open bite and multiple congenitally missing teeth: a case report with 4-year follow-up

ABSTRACT This case report describes the treatment of a severe anterior and lateral open bite combined with multiple congenitally missing teeth. A 10-year-old girl presented with an open gonial angle, absence of lip sealing, and soft tissue pogonion retrusion. She had an open bite of 8.5 mm, agenesis of t...

Osteotomia alveolar para o tratamento de maxilares atróficos
Alveolar osteotomy for the treatment of atrophic jaws

ImplantNewsPerio; 2 (4), 2017
Objetivo: detalhar indicações, vantagens e desvantagens da técnica de osteotomia pela divisão alveolar. Material e métodos: busca nos bancos de dados PubMed e Bireme, no período de 2005-2016, utilizando as palavras-chaves “atrophic maxilla”, “osteotomy by alveolar division” e “oral implan...

Skeletal effects of RME in the transverse and vertical dimensions of the nasal cavity in mouth-breathing growing children

ABSTRACT Introduction: Maxillary constriction is a dentoskeletal deformity characterized by discrepancy in maxilla/mandible relationship in the transverse plane, which may be associated with respiratory dysfunction. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the skeletal effects of RME on ...