El cáncer seguirá siendo uno de los mayores desafíos para la salud pública a nivel local y mundial. Actualmente, en nuestro país, el cáncer es la principal causa de muerte. Gracias al enorme conocimiento acumulado en las últimas décadas sobre las bases celulares y moleculares del cáncer, se ha d...
Abstract Background: Opioid-free anesthesia decreases the incidence of opioid adverse events, but its optimal antinociceptive depth has not been clearly defined. Personalizing intraoperative opioid-free infusions with a nociception monitor may be the solution. Case report: We describe the feasibility a...
RESUMEN Con el auge contemporáneo de novedosos paradigmas en las ciencias médicas, como la Medicina personalizada, se busca una resección oncológica más eficaz, con nuevos márgenes quirúrgicos de acuerdo al estadio tumoral. Para alcanzar estos resultados, se abren paso técnicas como la cirugía r...
Abstract Introduction The types of allergic rhinitis are roughly classified based on the causative antigens, disease types, predilection time, and symptom severity. Objective To examine the clinical typing and individualized treatment approach for allergic rhinitis and to determine the optimal treatmen...
ABSTRACT Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world, accounting for one out of six deaths. Consequently, there is an urgent need for new and more effective therapeutic options as well as drug screening methods. Immortal, stable cancer cell lines have been employed since the past century...
Na nova era da Medicina de Precisão, a inteligência artificial (IA) - um conjunto de sistemas e programas que permitem às máquinas serem capazes de executar tarefas que habitual mente exigiriam a participação humana - emerge como ferramenta capaz de criar novas maneiras de analisar as imagens médi...
Health care has changed since the decline in mortality caused by infectious diseases as well as chronic and non-contagious diseases, with a direct impact on the cost of public health and individual health care. We must now transition from traditional reactive medicine based on symptoms, diagnosis and tre...