Results: 63

Cuidados respiratorios en pacientes con atrofia muscular espinal para evitar el fallo ventilatorio agudo y la traqueostomía: revisión literaria y recomendaciones consensuadas

La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) 5q es una de las enfermedades neuromusculares de mayor incidencia en la infancia. Sin embargo, la prevalencia de AME tipo 1, su forma más severa de presentación, es menor debido a muertes prematuras evitables antes de los dos años por insuficiencia ventilatoria subtra...

Nuevos paradigmas en atrofia muscular espinal de presentación temprana: siempre es bueno recordar

La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) de presentación temprana representa la variante más severa, con una expectativa de vida generalmente no mayor a dos años sin soporte ventilatorio, debido a la insuficiencia respiratoria y la dificultad para toser. Tradicionalmente, el manejo respiratorio en muchos pa...

Motor and respiratory functions are main challenges to patients with multiple sclerosis

Abstract Introduction People with multiple sclerosis (MS) present wide and varied symptoms. Objective To investigate the impact of MS on subjects' motor and respiratory functions. Methods One hundred one participants were enrolled in this study. The subjects had previous diagnosis of relapsing-remi...

Fisioterapia respiratoria en pacientes adultos post-COVID-19: revisión sistemática de la literatura

Introducción: los pacientes con SARS-CoV-2 presentan signos y síntomas que involucran principalmente el sistema respiratorio. Las secuelas son consecuencia de un deterioro de la calidad de vida, neumonía, fatiga, disnea y dolor articular. Objetivo: tener el sustento científico que permita evidenciar ...

Effects of the breath stacking technique after upper abdominal surgery: a randomized clinical trial

J. bras. pneumol; 48 (1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effect of the association of the breath stacking (BS) technique associated with routine physiotherapy on pulmonary function, lung volumes, maximum respiratory pressures, vital signs, peripheral oxygenation, thoracoabdominal mobility, and pain in the surgical incision ...

Evaluation of Lung Volume and Effect of Vital Staining as Motivation to Quit Tobacco among Nicotine Dependents of Kanpur, India

Abstract Objective: To quantify and compare respiratory functions and further screen the oral mucosa of tobacco and non-tobacco users. Material and Methods: First control group, non-tobacco users (n=55); Second group, smokers' group (n=168) who currently smoked cigarettes; Third group smokeless/chewing...

Distribution of global and regional lung ventilation using electrical impedance tomography before and after cardiac surgery

Rev. chil. anest; 51 (5), 2022
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine with electrical impedance tomography (EIT) the distribution of lung volume during spontaneous breathing, between the preoperative and postoperative state of cardiac surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study carried out with 38 adult patients ...

Hiperinsuflação manual em crianças

RESUMO A hiperinsuflação manual é utilizada em unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal e pediátrica para promover um flow bias expiratório, porém não há consenso sobre os benefícios da técnica. Assim faz-se necessária uma revisão que apresente suas evidências. Este estudo objetiva revisar a l...

Frequência de alterações espirométricas, aprisionamento aéreo e hiperinsuflação pulmonar em crianças e adolescentes com asma grave resistente à terapia: um estudo piloto

Objetivos: avaliar a frequência de alterações espirométricas e pletismográficas em crianças e adolescentes com asma grave resistente à terapia (AGRT). Além disso, testaram-se possíveis associações entre esses desfechos. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, no qual foram incluídas cr...

Pulmonary Function in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood and Adolescence Osteosarcoma: Case Report

Introduction: Chemotherapy used in osteosarcoma have the potential to cause lung damage. The objectives were to analyze lung volumes and capacities, and respiratory muscle strength of patients treated with chemotherapy and surgery for osteosarcoma. The study was designed as a prospectiv...