Objective: This study aims to report the case of a 69-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of anorectal melanoma (AM) established by immunohistochemistry. Methods: Clinical case report, a descriptive and qualitative study. Results: The patient had a nodular and ulcerative lesion in the anal region, t...
Introducción: El melanoma del ano es una neoplasia maligna de baja incidencia, con un pronóstico poco favorable y clínica inespecífica. Su diagnóstico temprano es fundamental en la sobrevida del paciente. Se presenta un caso de melanoma del margen anal con metástasis inguinal unilateral. Se realiz�...
ABSTRACT: Oral mucosal melanoma is an unusual and aggressive malignant tumor that mainly affects the palate of men aged between 50 and 60 years. We present a literature review focusing on the etiopathogenesis and the clinicopathologic features of this entity. In addition, we reported a rare case of an or...
RESUMEN La panoftalmitis es una forma rara y grave ocular de presentación del melanoma coroideo, por lo que, ante la presencia de una masa intraocular e inflamación de todas las estructuras intraoculares, con extensión extraescleral y los tejidos vecinos de la órbita, debe considerarse el diagnóstic...
Abstract Background: There are conflicting data regarding the prognostic value of the lymphatic basin drainage pattern in melanoma patients and the evidence is scant in the setting of negative sentinel lymph node biopsy. Objective: To investigate whether the pattern of lymphatic basin drainage influenc...
Abstract Large defects in plantar surface secondary to acral melanoma excision can be difficult to repair with local flaps, and skin grafts in weight-bearing surfaces often suffer necrosis causing prolonged disability. Acellular dermal matrices represent an easy alternative to cover deep wounds or those ...
Resumen El melanoma mucoso primario (MM) de la cavidad nasal y los senos paranasales sigue siendo un tumor maligno poco frecuente. El pico de incidencia se sitúa entre 50 y 60 años, siendo la epistaxis y la obstrucción nasal unilateral los síntomas más frecuentes. La resección quirúrgica es el tra...
Abstract Melanoma in childhood is rare and its diagnosis is more difficult than in adults, as it often presents histologic features overlapping with the Spitz nevus. The authors report the case of a 17-year old boy who was first diagnosed with Spitz nevus, however, the final diagnosis made after the exci...
Digestive tract primary melanoma is uncommon. However, metastatic lesions are more frequent and occur mainly in the small intestine. We report a 69-year-old male patient who consulted for a hyperpigmented skin lesion on the left thigh associated with multiple subcutaneous nodules. The biopsy was compatib...
Los tumores de colisión consisten en neoplasias compuestas por dos poblaciones celulares distintas que mantienen una clara diferenciación de sus bordes y que se encuentran adyacentes una de otra en la misma muestra histopatológica. Esta asociación puede corresponder a dos tumores malignos, dos...
Neoplasias Cutáneas/diagnóstico,
Neoplasias Cutáneas/cirugía,
Neoplasias Cutáneas/patología,
Carcinoma Basocelular/diagnóstico,
Carcinoma Basocelular/cirugía,
Carcinoma Basocelular/patología,
Neoplasias Primarias Múltiples/diagnóstico,
Neoplasias Primarias Múltiples/cirugía,
Neoplasias Primarias Múltiples/patología