Results: 3

Uso de anestésicos tópicos para procedimientos timpánicos: revisión de la literatura

Los procedimientos intratimpánicos se realizan frecuentemente de manera ambulatoria en los policlínicos de otorrinolaringología. Dada la inervación de la membrana timpánica, estos procedimientos generan disconfort y dolor, por lo que la aplicación previa de anestésicos tópicos sobre la membrana t...

Ototoxicity of boric acid powder in a rat animal model

Abstract Introduction: Boric acid, which has antiseptic and acidic properties, is used to treat external and middle ear infections. However, we have not found any literature about the effect of boric acid powder on middle ear mucosa and inner ear. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate ...

The effect of melatonin and vitamin C treatment on the experimentally induced tympanosclerosis: study in rats

Abstract Introduction: The ethiopathogenesis of tympanosclerosis has not been completely under- stood yet. Recent studies have shown that free oxygen radicals are important in the formation of tympanosclerosis. Melatonin and Vitamin C are known to be a powerful antioxidant, interacts directly with React...