Results: 2

Twenty-four-month clinical performance of different universal adhesives in etch-and-rinse, selective etching and self-etch application modes in NCCL - a randomized controlled clinical trial

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective The aim of this randomized, controlled, prospective clinical trial was to evaluate the performances of two different universal adhesives and one etch-rinse adhesive for restoration of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs). Material and Methods Twenty patients with at least seven NCC...

Evolución de las lentes intraoculares y los viscoelásticos
Intraocular lenses and viscoelastic evolution review

Rev. mex. oftalmol; 74 (5), 2000
Se hace una revisión de la literatura y se relata la evolución de las lentes intraoculares, de sus materiales y diseños, así como de los viscoelásticos....