Results: 6

Consumo de psicoestimulantes por estudantes de medicina em um centro universitário privado
Consumption of psychostimulants by medical students in a private university center

O consumo de psicoestimulantes tem crescido exponencialmente, sobretudo entre estudantes de medicina, na busca por aumentar o rendimento acadêmico. Atualmente, a extensa carga horária de aulas e estudos, exigências de produtividade e altos níveis de estresse podem desencadear o uso. Objetivo: Analisa...

Preventive effects of Topiramate on methylphenidate induced behavioral disorders

Neuronal cell damage is often caused by prolonged misuse of Methylphenidate (MPH). Topiramate (TPM) carries neuroprotective properties but its assumed mechanism remains unclear. The present study evaluates in vivo role of various doses of TPM and its mechanism against MPH-induced motor activity and relat...

The Effect of Methylphenidate on the Hearing of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Abstract Introduction There has been a sudden idiopathic hearing loss case presented after methylphenidate treatment in a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Objective This study was performed to reveal the probable ototoxic side effects of methylphenidate use in patients with...

Fractura por estrés del cuello del fémur en una niña hiperactiva tratada con metilfenidato: Reporte de caso
Femoral neck stress fracture in a hyperactive child taking methylphenidate. Case report

Las fracturas por estrés afectan, con mayor frecuencia, a personas físicamente activas con hueso normal y son infrecuentes en los niños con placa de crecimiento abierta. Aun más infrecuentes son las fracturas por estrés del cuello femoral en la población pediátrica. Sin embargo, constituyen entida...

El metilfenidato podria ser un tratamiento eficaz comparado con placebo para el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en niños y adolescentes
Methylphenidate could be an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents

Exposure to methylphenidate during infancy and adolescence in non-human animals and sensitization to abuse of psychostimulants later in life: a systematic review

Introduction:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric pathology that has an important prevalence among young people and is difficult to diagnose. It is usually treated with methylphenidate, a psychostimulant with a mechanism of action similar to that of cocaine. Previous stud...