Results: 12

Intraoral administration of probiotics and postbiotics: An overview of microorganisms and formulation strategies

Abstract The last decade provided significant advances in the understanding of microbiota and its role in human health. Probiotics are live microorganisms with proven benefits for the host and were mostly studied in the context of gut health, but they can also confer significant benefits for oral health,...

Culturable microbiological profile of a non-sterile drugs pharmaceutical production environment

Abstract For places where non-sterile drug production occurs, regulatory bodies recommend monitoring of the environmental bioburden. This procedure provides information regarding possible microbiological risks to which the products may be exposed, so that subsequent action measures may be implemented. Th...

Biopsia en ortopedia y riesgo de contaminación bacteriana durante el muestreo de tejidos: hechos y estrategias
Biopsy in orthopaedics and risk of bacterial contamination during tissue sampling: facts and strategies

Prensa méd. argent; 109 (5), 2023
Las biopsias en el campo de la ortopedia se utilizan para guiar las opciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento para el proceso de la enfermedad que puede estar ocurriendo. La preparación de la piel de estas biopsias sigue la preparación estándar para un procedimiento quirúrgico, con el objetivo de dismin...

Nutrición de la embarazada, primer pilar de la nutrición para la vida

Revagog (Impresa); 3 (2), 2021
Following healthy eating patterns is important for pregnant and lactating women for a number of reasons. Increasing calories and nutrient intake is necessary to support the growth and development of the baby and maintain the health of the mother. Having access to a healthy dietary pattern before and duri...

Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Individuals Carry Different Periodontal Bacteria

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify etiologic microbiota associated periodontal diseases among diabetes patients and the factors related to the most commonly identified bacteria species. Material and Methods: Periodontal plaque samples from 11 diabetic participants and 13 non-diabetic controls were collect...

Caracterização de compostos bioativos de maracujá (Passiflora tenuifila) e efeito do seu consumo sobre marcadores bioquímicos, microbiota intestinal em indivíduos eutróficos e obesos

O maracujá (Passiflora ssp.) é conhecido por suas características sensoriais e por apresentar diversos compostos bioativos. Estudos prévios demonstraram que o consumo a longo prazo de maracujá melhorou os parâmetros bioquímicos, inflamatórios e antioxidantes. Uma espécie que tem despertado inter...

Diversity of Sub-Gingival Fluids Microbiota Compositions in Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Case-Control Study

Abstract Objective: To determine the diversity of microbiota in the sub-gingival fluids from periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and to know the relationship of microbiota abnormalities between periodontitis and RA. Material and Methods: Samples were collected from sub-gingival fluids...

Assessment of the oral microbiome in the development of recurrent oral aphthae in patients with gastrointestinal pathology

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
Chronic recurrent oral aphthae in residents living in an ecologically unfavourable region are characterized by a permanent course and prolonged recovery processes of regeneration of pathological elements of the oral mucosa. Using the microbiological method and modern test systems, it has been found that ...

Efeitos da fibrose cística sobre o microbioma bucal e o proteoma salivar

A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença genética de elevada prevalência global e que causa função anormal das glândulas exócrinas. As alterações nas funções das glândulas salivares podem impactar a saúde bucal que por sua vez podem influenciar a saúde geral. A boca pode representar um reserva...