Results: 5

Nutrition facts and limits for micronutrients in tree species used in urban forestry

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT There is a huge lack of researches that evaluate the nutritional limits in tree species used in urban forestry, especially in terms of micronutrients. This study aimed to establish limits and range of micronutrients levels for the proper development of tree species utilized in urban forestry. Th...

Estresse oxidativo e micronutrientes na hanseníase

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 28 (4), 2015
Objetivo Avaliar o estresse oxidativo, perfil antioxidante e de micronutrientes em pacientes portadores de hanseníase multibacilar e paucibacilar antes do tratamento poliquimioterápico. Métodos Analisaram-se 52 amostras de soro de pacientes portadores de hanseníase - 38 multibacilares e 14 paucibacil...

Cooking process evaluation on mercury content in fish

Acta amaz; 40 (4), 2010
This study evaluated different cooking processes (roasted, cooked and fried) on total mercury (Hg) content in fish species most consumed by Manaus residents and surrounding communities, Amazon region. The results obtained for total Hg in natura and after the three types of preparation (roasted, cooked an...

Micronutrientes prevención y control de la deficiencia de yodo, vitamina A y hierro: la experiencia boliviana

Los micronutrientes son substancias químicas requeridas en pequeñas cantidades en la alimentación de las personas (de ahí el nombre de micronutrientes). Algunos oligoelementos y minerales como el yodo, hierro, calcio, zinc y las vitaminas en general constituyen los principales micronutrientes de la d...