Introducción: La gran diversidad de especies maderables tropicales demanda el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de identificación con base en sus patrones o características anatómicas. La aplicación de redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) para el reconocimiento de especies maderables tropicales se...
SUMMARY: The aim of the present work was to study the closer effect of clomiphene citrate on the ultrastructure of the testis of adult albino rats to provide a basis for optimizing this drug in the treatment of male infertility. The testes were removed from both groups under anesthesia and then prepared ...
Ejecutar procesos efectivos de búsqueda de casos de tuberculosis es crucial para acele-rar el paso hacia su eliminación. El empeoramiento de las condiciones económicas mun-diales y nacionales no nos permite aplicar extensivamente las tecnologías rápidas mo-leculares idóneas de diagnóstico. Con...
Introducción: La enfermedad de Pompe (EP) o glucogenosis tipo II es una enfermedad autosómica recesiva causada por mutaciones en el gen GAA que codifica para la proteína alfa-1,4-glucosidasa. Su deficiencia lleva a un almacenamiento anormal de glucógeno en los lisosomas de varias células, a través ...
SUMMARY: A great deal of attention of air pollution on respiratory health is increasing, particularly in relation to haze days. It is that exposure to cigarette smoke augments the toxicity of common air contaminants, thereby increasing the complexity of respiratory diseases. Although there are various me...
SUMMARY: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the most common complication of diabetes. Several studies have been done in a trial to protect against this problem at the ultrastructure level. This study investigates the protective effect of oral administration of Acacia senegal (AS) against the development of DN....
SUMMARY: An association between certain food additives and chronic diseases is reported. Current study determined whether administering toxic doses of the food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) into rats can induce aortopathy in association with the oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers upregula...