Los salmónidos, durante su desarrollo, pueden experimentar ocasionalmente deformaciones esqueléticas. Para su diagnóstico se emplean diversas metodologías, entre las que se incluyen radiografías, técnicas histológicas, diafanización con tinciones de alizarina y azul de alcián, así como el uso d...
SUMMARY: This work investigated the morphology of the root canal system of the mandibular first molar in a Malaysian subpopulation. Using micro-computed tomography with an isotropic resolution of 22 µm, 140 mandibular first molars were scanned. MIMICS software was used for segmentation, 3-D reconstructi...
La microtomografía es un estudio que utiliza la ra-diación X para obtener imágenes de tamaños de mi-lésimas de milímetros y de alta resolución. Las imá-genes 2D son procesadas por diferentes softwares para lograr obtener volúmenes capaces de ser ana-lizados tridimensionalmente. La microtomograf...
Objective: This study evaluated different methods of calcium hydroxide (CH) removal from root canals with simulated internal resorptions using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT). Material and Methods: Sixty acrylic resin blocks with simulated root canals and internal resorptions were prepared...
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the filling capacity in curved root canal using a new continuous wave of condensation technique (Termo Pack II, Easy Dental Equipments, Brazil) or lateral compaction. The percentage of voids in the filling of mesial root canals of mandibular molars was assess...
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the agreement of images in white light (WL), fluorescence (FL), and digital radiographs (DR), on the diagnosis and treatment decisions for occlusal caries lesions against a micro-CT gold standard. Material and Methods: Ten extracted third molars, with enamel and/or dentin...
Aim: To evaluate the potential of inducing mineral density changes of indirect pulp capping materials applied to demineralized dentin. Methods: A total of 50 cavities were prepared, 5 in each tooth, in extracted ten molars without caries, impacted or semi-embedded. The cavities were scanned by microcompu...
Aim: This study aimed to assess the shaping ability of Reciproc Blue in the apical third and apical foramen of moderately curved canals at different working lengths (WLs), by micro-computed tomography. Methods: Thirty-six mesial roots (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual canals) were included, each with 2 separ...
O ozônio tem sido utilizado no processo de reparo ósseo em condições desfavoráveis, como na osteonecrose dos maxilares induzida por medicamentos (OMIM). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicação de ozonioterapia como prevenção e/ou o tratamento da OMIM. Cento e vinte ratos wistar foram d...
ABSTRACT: This study aims to demonstrate, through a clinical case report, the applicability of the use of microtomography (µCT) in the histopathological evaluation of a ranula lesion on the oral floor and to evaluate the use of 2 % elemental iodine solution as a contrast agent, in order to obtain a bett...