Results: 4

Leishmania infantum induces high phagocytic capacity and intracellular nitric oxide production by human proinflammatory monocyte

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 115 (), 2020
BACKGROUND The mechanism of resistance to SbIII in Leishmania is complex, multifactorial and involves not only biochemical mechanisms, but also other elements, such as the immune system of the host. OBJECTIVES In this study, putative changes in the immunological profile of human monocytes infected wit...

Effect of fresh frozen plasma on the in vitro activation of U937 monocytes: a potential role for the age of blood donors and their underlying cytokine profile

Biol. Res; 50 (), 2017
BACKGROUND: Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) administration may increase the risk of nosocomial infections in parallel with the development of immune modulation. This could be driven by soluble mediators, possibly influencing the in vitro activation of human U937 monocyte cells, in a manner dependent on the age...

Disminución de linfocitos T supresores y activación de monocitos y neutrófilos durante la reacción inmediata del asma-inducida por ejercicio
Lymphocyte T supressors dicrease and monocyte and neutrophil activation during the early reaction of exercise induced asthma

Durante la broncoconstricción inducida por el ejercicio (AIE) en individuos asmáticos se producen cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos de los leucocitos en sangre periférica. Para estudiar la participación de células inmunes y accesorias de la reacción inflamatoria en el AIE, analizamos las modific...