Introducción: el envenenamiento por mordedura de ofidios es reconocido como un problema de salud pública según la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La baja incidencia sumada a la diversidad de presentaciones clínicas, edades, topografías afectadas, así como los diferentes protocolos en la bibliogr...
Os acidentes por animais peçonhentos, especialmente os acidentes ofídicos, foram incluídos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) na lista das doenças tropicais negligenciadas que acometem, na maioria das vezes, populações pobres que vivem em áreas rurais, devido à gravidade constituem um pro...
Abstract We present a case of human intoxication due to a snakebite by the opisthoglyphous dipsadid Thamnodynastes lanei. A 26-year-old man was bitten on the right hand and was not medicated. Bleeding lasted a few seconds, while paresthesia, chills, and headache persisted for up to 10 hours. The pain dis...
Silva, Flavio Souza;
Ibiapina, Hiochelson Najibe Santos;
Neves, Juliana Costa Ferreira;
Coelho, Kerolaine Fonseca;
Barbosa, Fabiane Bianca Albuquerque;
Lacerda, Marcus Vinicius Guimarães;
Sachett, Jacqueline Almeida Gonçalves;
Malheiro, Adriana;
Monteiro, Wuelton Marcelo;
Costa, Allyson Guimarães.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Snakebites in the Brazilian Amazon are caused mostly by snakes from the Bothrops genus and envenomated patients may suffer from tissue complications. METHODS: This study aimed to identify risk factors for severe tissue complications (STC) in patients with Bothrops snakebite in t...
Abstract A case of a bite inflicted by Oxybelis fulgidus in the wilds of Amazon is reported. The patient was a 67-year-old man who presented with dizziness, tachycardia and local pain, with erythema and bleeding in his left arm. The venom of Oxybelis fulgidus, a neotropical rear-fanged snake, contains on...
Abstract Snakebites were included by the World Health Organization in their list of neglected diseases. In Latin America, most snakebites are caused by species of the Viperidae family, notably by the genus Bothrops. Bothrops atrox accounts for 90% of the cases of envenoming in the Brazilian Amazon. In th...
Abstract Snakebites by aglyphous or opisthoglyphous snakes are common in Brazil. We report a case of snakebite by the opisthoglyphous Erythrolamprus aesculapii. The victim presented with pain, edema, and bleeding at the bite site, along with erythema, similar to a Bothrops envenomation. In this type of s...
Roriz, Katia Regina Pena Schesquini;
Zaqueo, Kayena Delaix;
Setubal, Sulamita Silva;
Katsuragawa, Tony Hiroshi;
Silva, Renato Roriz da;
Fernandes, Carla Freire Celedônio;
Cardoso, Luiz Augusto Paiva;
Rodrigues, Moreno Magalhães de Souza;
Soares, Andreimar Martins;
Stábeli, Rodrigo Guerino;
Zuliani, Juliana Pavan.
Abstract INTRODUCTION Brazil has the largest number of snakebite cases in South America, of which the large majority is concentrated in the Midwest and North. METHODS In this descriptive observational study, we assessed the epidemiological and clinical snakebite cases referred to the Centro de Medici...
Antivenenos/administración & dosificación,
Notificación de Enfermedades,
Estudios Epidemiológicos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Estaciones del Año,
Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad,
Mordeduras de Serpientes/complicaciones,
Mordeduras de Serpientes/tratamiento farmacológico,
Mordeduras de Serpientes/epidemiología
Abstract INTRODUCTION Infrared imaging (IR) is a noninvasive technique that quantifies body surface temperature, producing a digital color image. IR has been used to study diseases in which skin temperature can reflect the presence of inflammation. METHODS This was an observational pilot study of eig...
Abstract: Because the majority of colubrid species are considered harmless to human beings, colubrid snakebites are rarely reported. However, the venom of Rhabdophis, which is part of the Colubridae family, is procoagulant and leads to severe coagulopathy. Here, we present a case of disseminated intravas...